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Stream Segmentation for ArcHydro 10.2

02-06-2014 09:19 AM
Deactivated User
I am trying to delineate a combined terrain with known streams and sinks using the latest workflow. When I get to Stream Segmentation I am having a big problem. The SinkWatershedGrid field is only allowing vector point files. Please see attached screen shot. I am trying to load my Sink Watershed Grid which is a raster grid. Any help would be appreciated.


Dustin Atwater
GIS Analyst
Tags (2)
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3 Replies
Honored Contributor
The Arc Hydro help states:
If there is a grid that has a tag "Sink Watershed  Grid�?�, it will be used as a  default for the third input. If not, the user needs to select a grid that will  be tagged with the "Sink Watershed Grid�?� tag at the end of the operation. This  input is optional.

Is your grid "'tagged as" Sink Watershed Grid?  I'm not sure what "tagged" means.  It definitly should be a grid. Maybe it needs to be in integer instead of a float grid. ?

The Arc Hydro tool box help says:
Input SinkWatershedGrid  (optional) Input Sink Watershed Grid. Used to mask the sink watersheds when stream  segments should not be created within sink watersheds.
Note here there are no spaces in SinkWatershedGrid.
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Deactivated User
Just wondering if any of the ArcHydro folks can explain this or have a work around. To reiterate, the Stream Segmentation dialog box has been designed to only allow vector point files in a field that raster files are required in order to complete the command. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Dustin Atwater
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Esri Contributor
It looks like the tool is not seing the correct definition for the input from the XML and reverts to the default (point) type. My clue is that the name in the UI should be: "Sink Watershed Grid" instead of "SinkWatershedGrid".

Can you try in a new map, save it and click the tool right away to see whether the UI shows correctly with the space in the name?

Christine Dartiguenave
Esri Water Resources Team
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