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How to create short cut for HEC-GEoHMS and HEC GeoRAS

08-19-2011 11:00 PM
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New Contributor
I have successfully installed HEC GeoHMS and HEC GeoRAS and HEC RAS from the internet. HEC RAS has an icon on the Desktop and anytime I  can open this software. But  when I go to the All PROGRAMS list to create a short cut for HEC GeoHMS I don't see any Icon for This software. Amazingly, the icon for HEC GeoHMS appears in the Control Panel list.

I have re installed it for repair but to no avail. What should I do to locate  the icon for HEC GeoHMS and get it on the Desktop.
Very sincerely
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Deactivated User
GeoRAS and GeoHMS are toolbars in ArcGIS, not executable programs.  As far as I know they cannot be launched outside of GIS so you cannot create a desktop shortcut.  To activate them, just open them like a normal toolbar in GIS(right click in open space at the top, locate them in the list).

*for any program you can right-click on the executable and select "send to desktop" and it will automatically create a shortcut on your desktop.
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