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Help Please: Teaching Self: need data sets to practice Groundwater & Hydrology Tools

11-24-2013 11:05 AM
Emerging Contributor
For a for credit independent study, I am playing around with the Groundwater and Hydrology tools. My goal is to present a PowerPoint on what are these tools and show "How To" with examples to a GIS Fundamentals course. I was already lent some well data to show spatial distribution. Now, I would like to use Fill, Darcy Flow, and Flow Accumulation tools. However, to do so I need input data or basic data I can derive input from. I would really appreciate any help finding some example data sets. The sites are not very important since it would just be an example so I'll take wherever is available and make it work. I would of course include attributes/reference to you and forward a copy of the product.

I believe I need the following types of data for each tool:

Fill -a surface elevation raster
Darcy Flow - Groundwater head elevation (could derive from: water well log data, static water level)
- Effective formation porosity (difficult to estimate from just geology)
- Saturated thickness (not sure what i could derive this from yet)
- Formation transmissivity (attributes about aquifer material)
Flow Accumulation - Flow direction raster

I am open to suggestion of ways to show other tools, but obviously I am very limited in what data I have available and time to do field work

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7 Replies
Honored Contributor
You can install ArcTutor. Exercise data will be available.
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Honored Contributor
You can find tips ArcHydro process helps and tips at the link below my signature. These apply somewhat to Spatial Analyst>Hydrology tools.
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Emerging Contributor
Thank you for responding.

I have not yet found a relevant ArcTutor or any of the data sets listed above in the CD of data models and sample data that came with the book "Arc Hydro: GIS for Water Resources".
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Honored Contributor
You will be able to find the data here.

Data Location:

User: ADSRiverHydraulics
Password: ADSRiver.2013b
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Emerging Contributor
Nidhin Karthikeyan,

Thank you for the response. I can see the data at the link you sent after signing in, but there doesn't seem to be an option to download it. Maybe its a matter of changing permission settings? Thanks again for the help. Please, let me know how I can proceed.

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Honored Contributor

It could be that data is only for those who have paid for a class from ESRI.
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Deactivated User
I have a question that relates to this. I'm doing a groundwater analysis. I have created the head elevation raster from SSURGO data. I have created the effective porosity layer. I have created the thickness layer. I am currently trying to create the transmissivity layer. each layer has the same cell alignment and size. I have the conductivity of the soils I'm working with, but the tool doesn't really explain how to create the raster for use in the tool.
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