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hec geo ras error

10-12-2012 02:54 AM
New Contributor
Hello everyone,
I'm working with Hec-Ras and HecGeoRas extension for ArcGis 9.3 version and using it for doing inundation map.

I am having problem with the next step. When I select the "Downstream Reach Lengths" (Ras Geometry>XS Cut Line Attributes), I get the following error message:

CalcXSReachLenghtsWK20001:Linetype attribute not populated for flow path feature OID=1

Can anyone help what's the problem?
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3 Replies
Deactivated User
In the flowpath shapefile you need to set which flowpath line is the left, channel and right.  On the GeoRAS toolbar there is a icon with 3 parallel lines pointing down.  Click on that and then each of your flowpath lines setting the appropriate value.
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New Contributor
Thanks, but these commands were given. The above problem was still...
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Deactivated User
Could you post a screen shot of the flowpath file attribute table?  What I posted before should have fixed that error since all it is saying is that for your first flowpath entry the linetype hasnt been filled out.

I also noticed that your screenshot you posted before had a file name in Cyrillic...Sometimes geo-ras has weird issues with versions of arc other than the english version.  You could try switching to english(if it isnt already) and try that. It has worked for people in the past.
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