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Error 010240: Fill Sinks (Terrain Processing Case 4)

11-21-2024 08:45 AM
Labels (2)
New Contributor

Intent: delineation streams and potential wetlands from lidar data

Issue: Error 010240 when completing the Fill Sink archydropro geoprocessing

 I am using a tiff (from lidar data) as my input and the geodatabase is a gbd. I am using the Arc Hydro: Overview of Terrain Preprocessing Workflows, specifically Case 4 because I want to delineate streams and wetlands from lidar data. The preceding steps I completed were: Sink Evaluation, Sink Selection, and Create Sink Structures. I have tried using the DEM tiff as an input for the Fill Sinks tool, as well as the sink polygon raster outputs from the Sink Selection and Create Sink Structures. I am open to all recommendations and links. I did note that Purdue's "Terrain Processing using ArcHydro/GeoHMS" stated filling sinks may not be required depending on the quality of the DEM; perhaps, I can just delineate streams (dendritic Cases) if the lidar data has high enough resolution?

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1 Reply
Esri Contributor

Can you share the messages generated by the tool including the error?


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