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Calculate Length Downstream For Junctions Add Field Issue

12-03-2014 01:52 PM
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Regular Contributor

While trying to run the Calculate Length Downstream For Junctions tool, I receive the following error.

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\444\Desktop\", line 49, in <module>


  File "C:\Program Files (x86)\ESRI\WaterUtils\ArcHydro\bin\", line 255, in CalculateLengthDownstreamForJunctions

    raise e

ExecuteError: AddFieldGPerror : System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.

   at ESRI.ArcGIS.Geoprocessing.GeoProcessorClass.Execute(String Name, IVariantArray ipValues, ITrackCancel pTrackCancel)

   at ESRI.APWR.ApHydro.GDBHelper.AddFieldGP(ApLayer apLayer, String fieldTag, String& exMessage) in C:\Builds\HydroSolutions\10.2_ArcHydro\Sources\ArcHydroTools\src\ApHydro\GDBHelper.vb:line 1339

Failed to execute (CalculateLengthDownstreamForJunctions).

I am running the tool against a Feature Class. Can anyone tell me how to resolve this issue?

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4 Replies
Regular Contributor

Any help would be great

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Honored Contributor


I've posted several "solutions" to Arc Hydro problems at ArcHydro Problem Solvers‌. You can peruse this for other solution ideas.

The "HRESULT E_FAIL" type error could be due to two things (my best off the top of my head guess).

  • Having your project files on a server. Put them on your local drive - runs faster and with fewer errors like this.
  • Put as much of your data as possible in geodatabases. They are more stable than regular shape files.


Regular Contributor

I will look in that thread to see if it helps. Both of your suggestions were already being done.

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Regular Contributor

There was nothing in that thread that helped.

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