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ArcHydro version 2.x Error / Issue - Batch Watershed Delineate for Polygons

09-13-2012 02:46 PM
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Emerging Contributor
Is anyone aware of issues with ArcGIS 10 SP 5 with ArcHydro version (running on a Win 7 x64 workstation ) and any of its tools? It seems I have discovered a problem with the Batch Watershed Delineate for Polygons and I have no clue if other tools in the ArcHydro toolbar suffer from similar or other issues in the aforementioned environment / configuration.

I was attempting to delineate the contributing area for a lake in Kansas. I prepped the data as I had done previously for 50+ other sites using ArcHydro 1.4 with ArcGIS 9.3, so workflow isn't the issue. The DEM is 30m and projected (equal area)...but when I tried to delineate using the Batch Watershed Delineate for Polygons tool, it would not produce a hydrologically correct watershed.

So, after trying everything I could think of and also having no luck with a 10m DEM on my workstation, my last shot was to try it on 9.3. We have a considerably older / less powerful desktop used for running our plotter as it has ArcGIS 9.3 (SP1 with ArcHydro 1.4) on it with Win XP x32. I tried to delineate the watershed with the exact same data I prepped on my workstation mentioned above, and it worked.

See the attached image as a PNG file - the orange is the lake, and the purple is what ArcHydro spit out as the junk watershed on my workstation running 10, clearly has problems. The larger green watershed is the hydrologically correct watershed generated on the 9.3 machine. Again, same input data used for both attempts.

I looked around online for a few minutes and could not find any known bug lists for ArcHydro.

I also tried the newest version of ArcHydro version posted on the ESRI FTP, and it didn't even generate a junk watershed...but this time it coded a "-1" which indicates an error in the BatchDone field that it adds to the feature class containing the polygon(s) to be delineated. So, even less output and worse off.


Any info would be appreciated

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