After updating to ArcGIS Pro 3.0.1 (and .2, .3), the scripts we have that incorporate ArcHydro tools get stuck at some of the ArcHydro tools. For now it seems at least Fill Sinks and Flow Direction are affected (with the most recent version of ArcHydro, 12/2/2022 12:46 PM). It seems to help if, in the original archydro scripts, to add
arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor = "0"
in each of the scripts. The behaviour is also visible when running the ArcHydro tools from the Geoprocessing tab and for the Spatial Analyst versions of the tools (but for the latter, the environment settings can be changed)
Looks like in the most recent version, this issue is solved, although a new issue has popped up. The script has issues with line 265, more specifically the hydroconfig.getTime(). hydroconfig is not imported at the beginning of the script. By adding
import hydroconfig
the geoprocessing script works again. Unfortunately, scripting ArcHydro doesn't work (perhaps it uses the compiled python script fillsinks.pyc).
This has been fixed in the latest version (3.0.43).