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Arc Hydro + Python: Centroidal Longest Flow Paths

06-16-2012 04:27 AM
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Frequent Contributor
I've been calculating the length to centroid as part of determining catachment characteristics manually as long as I can remember. I recently found out that HEC-GEoHMS is capable of calculating length to centroid using Basin Characteristics\Centroidal Longest Flow Path. I'm looking for a way to accomplish the same using my results generated from Arc Hydro and a python script to automate the generation of the Centroidal Longest Flow Paths. Any assistance in being able to accomplish the following will be appreciated.

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3 Replies
Honored Contributor
I don't have a Python solution (something I'd love to see), but I have used the GeoHMS command without having to go through the whole processing of generating a GeoHMS project. You can simply start with the Arc Hydro process and then set up the layers in the Data Management portion of the GeoHMS toolbar and then use the toolbar menus. I do this for the parameter menu also. The latest GeoHMS actually has the terrain processing commands built into the GeoHMS toolbar. So, you can do almost all of the terrain processing and all using the GeoHMS toolbar.
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Frequent Contributor
Hi Mark

Thanks for your suggestion, I wish to create a model using ModelBuilder and Python. I'm looking to automate my Arc Hydro processing as a Model in ModelBuilder and rather not use HEC-GeoHMS just for a single tool. I'm building a Hydro Data Model and therefore can't use HEC instead.

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Honored Contributor
When you find a solution, please post it. I'm very interested in this.  Thanks!
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