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After running Geoprocessing  .GDB is locked

10-26-2012 04:45 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am not experienced ArcGIS user, but have to work with it.
Maybe anybody know how I could rid of the following problem:
after running Geoprocessing (for instance, Cut function) .gdb appared to be locked.
In .gdb appeared file as ""
Please, help and  advise me how could I rid of it.

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2 Replies
Deactivated User

The lock is created when the geoprocess is running to protect the data while in use.  If you have a hanging lock meaning once the process is done, you have closed all applications accessing the file geodatabase and the lock still remains, then you may need to check your computer processes for any ArcGIS instances.  Also, the AppROT process has been known to cause hanging locks.  As long as nothing is trying to access the file geodatabase you can then kill this process as well.

I hate having to do this because every time I do I feel like I am about to screw something up, but this has worked for me in the past.

Hope this helps!
Chris B.
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Emerging Contributor
Thank you.
Yoyr advise is very useful.
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