I've run the script with the JOIN merge rule restored, and with the where clause in place on the Make Feature Layer can report that Maximum Join_Count is 60, and thanks to the code that eliminates duplicates, there's only 5 unique zones on that parcel. I'm back in business, so thank you to both Joshua Bixby and Joe Borgione for the help!
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08:14 AM
With the where clause in place, the maximum Join_Count dropped to 66 or thereabouts... I'm unsure the exact number because I'm running the script again with the merge rule changed back to JOIN, and can't look again because it would risk locking the schema and causing the script to fail. Something I'm loath to do given the Spatial Join takes nearly 20 minutes. Over 50k parcels collectively intersecting thousands of zone polygons across eight municipalities is why so slow.
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07:33 AM
I've done the Spatial Join with merge rule of 'First' and in the output I found maximum Join_Count value is 1223, with second most at 815. Here I noticed the parcel ID field is blank on these. So by this I realized the MakeFeatureLayer_management() statement in the code that creates the parcel layer lacks a where clause to limit the layer to parcels alone.This is critcial because the parcel feature class includes road allowances in a subtype. Road allowances don't break at every intersection. Hence the hundreds of joins encountered. So I've added the where clause to MakeFeatureLayer_management() and am running the script now. I will reply back to report what happens.
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07:04 AM
Thanks Joshua. I'm using a SQL Server SDE geodatabase. I had wondered about changing the field type from TEXT to BLOB, but then was unsure whether it could store plain text, so did not proceed. I am curious if that could be a viable option.
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05:47 AM
Thanks Joe, but unfortunately it is just two feature classes I'm joining: parcels and the zoning. Some parcels have many zones intersecting them, and apparently one has many dozens--likely a railway parcel stretching the length of a municipality. My plan is to turn off the join merge rule to run the script and sort by Join_Count. Perhaps then I can find a workaround to filter that one out
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05:41 AM
I have a Spatial Join that has a JOIN merge rule on the text field name ZONING. I find I keep having to widen the ZONING field whenever it fails on a value too long to store in it. The latest iteration failed on a value 10,704 characters long. When I attempted to make the field 11,000 wide, it told me 8000 is the max. So what can I do? Later in the script I eliminate duplicates and put the ZONING field content in alphabetical order, but because this extreme length of value occurs in the middle of the executing Spatial Join, I don't know how to intercede there. I am eager for any suggested workarounds, please. Thanks, Justin
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01:15 PM
That makes sense. Thank you Mark for clarifying this for me.
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12:41 PM
It very much looks like I am right about the remote CSV being the problem, and that for it to be hosted, it must be uploaded to ArcGIS Online. I need for the CSV to be created new every 24 hours, so that's the trouble with it needing to be hosted. Can I automate updating the CSV? How?
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12:54 PM
Hi Mark, yesterday I ran out of time to try this, but today I was on it. What I've run up against is in Story Configuration, specifically the message: Editing data is disabled on this CSV data source I had added the CSV specifically following your instruction for external csv option. But at the start of your reply you call it "hosted csv". I don't believe what I have put into the map is "hosted" per se and so expect that may be the reason for the disabled editing problem. Am I right? How can I make it be hosted while it is still residing on the remote server?
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12:49 PM
thank you Mark! I will give this a go tomorrow and will report back. cheers
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12:11 PM
I found this question in my effort to build a Story Map that updates automatically. From this response I understand my options are limited to finding a way to automate adding tour points one-by-one. A feed of real estate listings comes in nightly that needs to go into a Story Map. Is there a way to automate creating tour points? If so, how? Or a way to automate deleting a Story Map to automatically recreate it using a CSV (created from code)? If so, how? I hesitate on this latter one, though, because the Story Map ID would change each night, and since this Story Map is linked from another Story Map, that one would need to be updated, too, to link to the new Story Map. My sense is a Story Map is not a viable solution for the purpose I describe. Can someone prove me wrong?
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08:28 AM
I've reached my goal in this! Thank you to Derek Law for his ongoing help. In the CMDM there are feature attachments on the streetlights feature class. I found that only by deleting the relationship class for the attachments was I able to enable Sync when republishing the map service (fear not, there were no actual attachments). It was still not possible to edit from the service in ArcMap, but by loading it into ArcGIS Online specifically from the Contents page and adding and saving it into a new map (as Derek described above), I could then load it into ArcMap by right-clicking My Hosted Services in the Catalog pane, logging into ArcGIS Online from the context menu, and searching for and adding the map I'd saved. Having completed the mentioned steps, I was able to right-click the service name in the Table of Contents and choose Create Local Copy for Editing. As a test, I changed a sign feature attribute, then clicked Synchronize Local Edits with Server, and saw the change in ArcCatalog. Thanks again for the help, Justin
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07:07 AM
What I've noticed today, Derek, is the feature dataset has a topology, while the other three feature datasets loaded as contents in AGOL that cause no problem for me do not. I found this difference today after having created a new feature dataset in the SDE geodatabase and loading all feature classes from the original into it. I was able to enable archiving on the dataset, but then I noticed it lacks the topology of the original, and wondered if maybe that be why I could not enable archiving on the original. Can you tell me, is having a feature class participating in a topology a problem for archiving? I strongly doubt it, but maybe it hurts for enabling creating a local copy for editing from the feature service it's published in? Thanks, Justin
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12:45 PM
By "loaded into AGOL" I mean as an ArcGIS Server Map Service I brought into ArcGIS Online using Add Item | From the web. Does that qualify as being registered with AGOL? Regarding your #1, the option to add GlobalIDs appears on the other three feature datasets that do have Sync enabled. From my experience, Add GlobalIDs is always active despite the fact all content of the feature dataset already has GlobalIDs. For #2, it's all in Geometry format
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01:40 PM
Thank you Derek. The data are municipal infrastructure feature classes created by a consultant using Esri Canada's Canadian Municipal Data Model (CMDM), and published in four feature services in ArcGIS Server 10.5.1 We do not use Portal here, yet your mention of the need for AGOL or Portal might be pertinent, because as things stand, I simply have the feature services loaded into AGOL, rather than any of their feature classes being in there as individual feature layers, if that's what is needed. But so far I have only tried editing by loading the data into ArcMap from the feature service in the GIS Server connection I can access it from. But I have another issue that may or may not be related. Of the four feature datasets, on one I cannot enable sync capability without getting this error: ERROR: Service failed to start, Machine: WA-IO-KUATO.BCMAIL.LOCAL [ Layer(s) or table(s) are not configured for Sync.] GlobalIDs are present and the layers are non-versioned, but I cannot access any archiving control on the feature dataset The archiving options in the context menu are greyed out. This must be the cause of the error, i.e. archiving is not enabled. Yet for the other three feature datasets, I do have full and proper control. How can I get around this to enable archiving on this specific feature dataset? Thanks, Justin
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12:04 PM
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