I tried using drag and drop several places, and dragging the owncloud folder did not work. Thank for the suggestion, I am sure it will come in handy for other folders.
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08:38 PM
Great suggestion but it does not work. I copied the MXD out of owncloud so I could try it. The MXD import worked fine this way. I am currently only running AGP on this one machine so this will do for now. I'm going to venture a guess that Pro, by design, will not recognize 3rd party "cloud" storage You have reason to believe AGP is crippled due to bad design decisions? Can you share the source of your opinion? I searched around last night and could not find anything.
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08:36 PM
I saved an MXD in ArcMap, then went to import it in ArcGIS Pro, and AGP cannot see the folder I used at all. I thought the problem might be in "Import" so I tried other file dialogs. Same thing. ArcMap + ArcCatalog = work, ArcGIS Pro = fail. Since I saved only a minute ago from ArcMap, I know it's not a permissions problem. Here is a screenshot of the AGP "Add Folder Connection" window on the left and an Explorer window on the right. Owncloud is a sync program like DropBox. It works flawlessly with all other software I use including QGIS 3. I use it extensively to manage and back up my data. AGP continues successfully to block every attempt I make learn how to use it. Migrating to it at work remains unlikely.
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10:13 PM
I finally figured out how to iterate an annotation feature class in arcpy to update its attributes. You cannot use a cursor , it just generates errors. You cannot directly use SQL and bypass arcpy because the attribute columns are just for show, the real data is hidden in a binary column you can't see in ArcGIS. But you can use CalculateField_management. Roughly put, codeblock = """def writekv(k, v) # do some calculation here, put it in "newvalue' return newvalue """ expression = "writekv(!%s!, !%s!)" % (keyfield, valuefield) arcpy.CalculateField_management(layer, fieldname, expression, "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock) where keyfield and valuefield are the names of attribute fields you want to use and fieldname is the name of the attribute being calculated. All the normal python rules apply of course - indentation and you can use "import" and so on. I have been writing functions in the main body of my python script so that I can write unit tests, get the calculations correct, before getting into wrapping the code in a "codeblock" string. In this case the code looks something like this #big long lookup table here lut = { 1:"fine", 2:"dandy" } def myfunc(x): # do some long python thing here y = lut # use a lookup table you've carefully tested in advance return y codeblock="""from thisfile import myfunc def f(x): return myfunc(x)""" arcpy.CalculateField_management(layer, "SomeTextField", "f(!INTEGERFIELD!)", "PYTHON_9.3", codeblock) This puts just the minimum needed inside "codeblock" (making it all much easier to debug) and in my example runs a function called myfunc that you can test separately. This assumes all your code is in a file called "". In "codeblock" it does an import, that is so that the copy of python running in the field calculator can use a lookup table called lut that's declared outside the function "myfunc". I have to adjust the font sizes in 300,000+ records and this is working for me.
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11:20 AM
After thinking about it yesterday I wrote a python iterator tool,it builds a list of the feature classes in a workspace and then returns the list. The next tool in the chain has to accept a list of feature classes. A model looks like this. "Message tool" is just a generic thing that prints out what comes in. So running the second chain generated this: First you see the output of the Iterator_Workspace tool as it walks the FGDB, then you see Message_tool dump the output from the tool. Executing (Iterate_Workspace (2)): tool C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb Start Time: Fri Jun 1 09:23:05 2018 Running script tool... taxlots_fd\mapindex_lines taxlots_fd\mapindex_points taxlots_fd\taxcode_lines taxlots_fd\taxcode_points taxlots_fd\taxlot_lines taxlots_fd\taxlot_points taxlots_fd\mapindex taxlots_fd\taxlots taxlots_fd\taxcodes taxlots_fd\mapindex_poly taxlots_fd\mapindex_dissolved taxlots_fd\taxcode_poly taxlots_fd\taxcodes_dissolved taxlots_fd\taxlots_poly taxlots_fd\taxlots_dissolved annotation_fd\bearing_anno annotation_fd\seemap_anno annotation_fd\taxlot_anno annotation_fd\taxcode_anno annotation_fd\taxmap_anno water_lines reference_lines plss_lines cartographic_lines corners plss plss_tr Completed script tool... Succeeded at Fri Jun 1 09:23:16 2018 (Elapsed Time: 11.26 seconds) Executing (Message_tool (3)): Message_tool # C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_points;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcode_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcode_points;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlot_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlot_points;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlots;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcodes;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_poly;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_dissolved;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcode_poly;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcodes_dissolved;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlots_poly;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlots_dissolved;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\bearing_anno;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\seemap_anno;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\taxlot_anno;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\taxcode_anno;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\taxmap_anno;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\water_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\reference_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\plss_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\cartographic_lines;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\corners;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\plss;C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\plss_tr # # Start Time: Fri Jun 1 09:23:16 2018 Running script Message_tool... Running the Message tool. C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_points C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcode_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcode_points C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlot_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlot_points C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlots C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcodes C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_poly C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\mapindex_dissolved C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcode_poly C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxcodes_dissolved C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlots_poly C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\taxlots_fd\taxlots_dissolved C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\bearing_anno C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\seemap_anno C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\taxlot_anno C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\taxcode_anno C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\annotation_fd\taxmap_anno C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\water_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\reference_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\plss_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\cartographic_lines C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\corners C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\plss C:\GeoModel\Clatsop\Workfolder\ORMAP_Clatsop.gdb\plss_tr Completed script Message_tool... Succeeded at Fri Jun 1 09:23:19 2018 (Elapsed Time: 2.50 seconds)
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09:42 AM
But imagine how fulfilling it would be for the programmers at ESRI to add support for multiple iterators in a model! I try to set up tools for people who can't use Python, and found this "one iterator per model" limitation (which BTW I don't see documented) to be highly amusing. It seems totally arbitrary to me. After playing with iterators for 15 minutes, I wanted to nest a feature class iterator inside a workspace iterator. Seemed simple and elegant. Oh well. If you can grasp what an iterator is you can probably make the jump to Python.
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04:16 PM
Has anyone tried PDAL yet? (See webside) It seems like it might be a reasonable compromise. I want to keep lidar source data in the format in which I download it (LAZ) and I want to produce products from it (typically contours, hillshades). These days I seem to do 90% of my GIS work in Python scripts so a workflow that can do that would be ideal for me-- I would preprocess in a PDAL tool chain to produce an intermediate product (a DEM) and then do the remaining processing in ArcGIS. The rapidlasso guy is always going on about the evils of closed source but he's producing closed source... the option he gives me is the ability to move from LAZ to LAS, requiring massive disk space then to manage LAS. I'd be fine with using a tool chain that's all ESRI as long as it does not require converting terabytes of data from LAZ to LAS to zLAS as the first step. I already voted for the LAZ support idea.
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02:44 PM
For me part of the problem is that line Arcade "can be used across the ArcGIS Platform" does not seem to include ArcMap. Since I have to continue supporting many ArcMap users AND I am trying to use Attribute Assistant I now have to use the dead language VBScript. Having become very fluent in Python and having adopted it for many uses OUTSIDE of ESRI, I am put off by the idea that I will need a to learn another proprietary language when we start using ArcGIS Pro; I cannot put aside Python and Javascript and VBScript so it just makes things harder. It's hard for me to imagine Arcade will have much to offer me that is not already possible in Python. It is also hard to imagine that ESRI will stick with Arcade for very long so I feel like it's best to ignore it for as long as possible in the hopes that it will die off before I am forced to use it.
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03:47 PM
I'm thinking if we all ignore Arcade it will go away more quickly.
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03:27 PM
My big friendly old Arcpy Toolbox has a drawer marked "Annotation" and when I pull it open... it's empty. I appear to have no options. Just an empty drawer. I took the ESRI class last night on annotation, I came to work this morning all fired up to put my new understanding into practice and to learn more... and find it's not possible... so disappointing.
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01:39 PM
Well, I've restarted this Docker project using 10.6 and I hit exactly the same roadbump here. Since I still don't really understand what Web Adaptor does for me I am going to ignore it for now and push on. It's slowing me down. From what I can tell it seems like Web Adaptor just a proxy. So maybe I just don't need it for my tiny testing set up. If I need a proxy I can avoid this proprietary and balky component and use something that I can configure directly like nginx. Update: after getting DataStore going, it tells me to connect it to Portal. When I try, Portal says "Federation of servers is disabled when accessing the portal without using the web adaptor." and that's it. Blocked again. Thanks for your suggestions.
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07:02 PM
It's pretty standard to create a subdirectory, for example tomcat, nginx, apache, postgresql and mysql all do it that way. There is always a /var/log folder so the installer just puts the subdirectory there and sets the ownership and permissions appropriately. It's easier to set up log rotation if the logs are in a normal place, too. ESRI's installer should set up log rotation using standard tools too. It's also the expectation when managing a system that if you install files into /home/portal for example that it won't fill up /home with log files and crash your server. So using a symlink won't meet that expectation; /home will still fill up even though it appears that logs are in /var/log. Brian
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09:42 AM
My situation is slow starts too. It now takes over FIVE MINUTES to start ArcMap on Windows 10 Pro "Start" means launching -> Splash screen says "Initializing" for about 3 minutes and then "Loading Document" for another 2 minutes. (It's not loading an MXD, not sure what "document" it's loading) On the same computer I can launch ArcGIS Pro in 12 seconds. I can launch ArcCatalog in less than 4 seconds. I can launch QGIS 2.18 in under 5 seconds. Only ArcMap has problems. Fortunately once it's launched, ArcMap performance is fine. I use this machine for testing and learning at home. If I had this problem at work it would a critical issue and I'd be on the phone. This morning I launched ArcMap and while I was waiting I launched ArcGIS Pro 2.0, it told me there was an update, I downloaded and installed the update, and relaunched Pro, then started a new project. All while waiting for ArcMap to start! Sometimes I move on to another task and forget that ArcMap is actually launching. I had a personal license (single use) Advanced level on this machine. Today I tried switching it out for my developer license (single use) Basic level copy of 10.6 pre-release. NO CHANGE When I first set the machine up back in September it was fine. After using it for a couple weeks it slowed down. Tried everything here : Troubleshooting Slow Performance in ArcGIS Desktop | Support Services Blog 1. Rebooting Well of course, it's been a couple months so I have rebooted many times, NO CHANGE 2. Meeting minimum requirements: YES -- Windows 10 Pro, Intel Core i9 with 10 cores, 512GB NVME drive, 64GB of RAM 3. Is the behavior MXD specific? No, it happens before loading an MXD 4. Is the behavior data specific? NO see #3 5. Does this happen on other machines? Not on the 2 other Windows 7 machines I use. 6. Does this happen if you log in with a different User Profile? YES, tried this today NO CHANGE 7. Does this happen with local data? Not an issue since it happens before loading a map. 8. Rename your local template. NO CHANGE 9. Are you up to date with service packs. YES 10. Is My Documents on a local drive? YES, and it's a fast NVME drive. 11. Check for 3rd party tools. NONE 12. Are you using a continual virus scan? NO 13 Do you have any drivers that need updating? Checked NVIDIA driver, it's up to date. Tried turning off hardware acceleration in ArcMap, too, no change. 14. Redirect your temporary folders and optimize your Virtual Memory Set TMP and TEMP to C:\Temp NO CHANGE (they were on C: already so I did not expect any change) I don't understand the other part of this suggestion and think it might be a pre Win 10 thing: Under performance, click Settings. Click Advanced. For Virtual Memory, select Change. Select System managed size > OK. Open to more suggestions -- thanks -- Brian
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08:55 PM
That links is broken now, but this one works (today anyway). PostgreSQL database requirements for ArcGIS Pro 2.0—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
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11:26 AM
AH, it's rotated 180 degrees -- that is, it builds to the "right" of the line but that's with respect to the baseline so when the line goes north to south you want to move it over to the other side. Maybe it should build squares on both sides of the baseline to make this easier? Then you could put it anywhere.
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06:19 PM
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04:16 PM