I was trying to convert a 2D map to 3D using the following code: public Task<bool> Create3DView() { return QueuedTask.Run(async () => { if (MapView.Active == null) return false; Map pMap = MapFactory.Instance.CopyMap(MapView.Active.Map); CIMMap pMapDef = pMap.GetDefinition(); pMapDef.MapType = MapType.Scene; pMap.SetDefinition(pMapDef); var pLayers = pMap.GetLayersAsFlattenedList().OfType<FeatureLayer>(); foreach (var pLayer in pLayers) { var lyrDefn = pLayer.GetDefinition() as CIMBasicFeatureLayer; //setting this property moves the layer to 3D group in a scene lyrDefn.IsFlattened = false; //Set the definition back to the layer pLayer.SetDefinition(lyrDefn); } pMap.SetName("3D Map"); await ArcGIS.Desktop.Core.ProApp.Panes.CreateMapPaneAsync(pMap, MapViewingMode.SceneLocal, null); return true; }); } But I kept getting the following error: "A 2D map cannot be opened as a 3D map. Convert the map first and then open." I have set the map type to MapType.Scene. Any ideas?
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02:56 PM
Hello, I was reading the ArcGIS API for JavaScript version 4.9 documentation and have some questions. Documentation details: Page title: VectorTileLayer | API Reference | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.9 Page URL: Does VectorTileLayer support data-driven styles? I want to set line color based on the values of “pipelength” property. I try two ways as following, but neither works. Does ESRI have some specific format for VectorTileLayer data-driven style? 'line-color': { "property": "pipelength", "stops": [ [500, '#51bbd6'], [1000, '#f28cb1'] ] } 'line-color': [ "step", ["get", "pipelength"], "#51bbd6", 500, "#f1f075", 1000, "#f28cb1" ]
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10:19 AM
Have anyone converted a xy coordinate to lat/long using Pro SDK? I just could not get the correct numbers.
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11:56 AM
This fixed my issue. Thank you, Uma! But I found out LayerFactory.Instance.CreateFeatureLayer(new Uri(Path), MapView.Active.Map) will work on new created geodatabase. Not those created in ArcMap.
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04:14 PM
I was trying to add a layer from my file geodatabase using Pro SDK. Keep getting "Failed to add data, unsupported data type". I can manually add it to Pro without any issues. Any ideas? Here are my codes: await QueuedTask.Run(()=> { Uri uri = new Uri(sPrjDB + "\\Map\\Map.gdb\\Pipe"); LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(uri, MapView.Active.Map); });
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04:16 PM
Thank you Dan. I just searched and found this question. Yes, I will post my question again in the Pro SDK.
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04:11 PM
I have same error in Pro. I was trying to add a layer from my file geodatabase using Pro SDK. Keep getting "Failed to add data, unsupported data type". I can manually add it to Pro without any issues. Any ideas? Here are my codes: await QueuedTask.Run(()=> { Uri uri = new Uri(sPrjDB + "\\Map\\Map.gdb\\Pipe"); LayerFactory.Instance.CreateLayer(uri, MapView.Active.Map); });
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04:00 PM
I am trying to know the mouse location in a map tool using Pro SDK.
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04:11 PM
Thanks, Ralf. That makes sense. By the way, is ArcObjects still a COM based technology in 10.1 so that you still have to use Winform instead of WPF? Can you also look at my question in ArcGIS Runtime API for WPF? We need to make some important business decisions on which technology we will adopt these days. Again, thanks for all of your efforts. Fayu Lai Principal Software Engineer Innovyze 618 Michillinda Ave, Tel: +1 626 568 6605 Suite 200 Fax: +1 626 568 6870 Arcadia, CA 91007 USA Hi Fayu, That�??s a good question. I think it is important to note that the ArcGIS Runtime is not a replacement for ArcGIS Engine. Those Engine developers who have built solutions with Engine should not be concerned as to the status and future of Engine. Think of the Runtime as another option that a Desktop Developer can use to build their focused GIS solutions with. We built the Runtime because many customers were trying to build lightweight GIS solutions using local data and were using Engine to do this. They ran into problems because ultimately Engine is not really a lightweight solution. At the same time because the Runtime is a new Architecture we could fix many of the issues that customers have had with Engine, such as giving them a simplified modular deployment, not forcing them to be bound the version of other Esri products, and simplifying the API. As far as the future, ArcObjects and Engine will be around for a long time, and migration to the Runtime is really not possible for many solutions built on Engine. In time the ArcGIS Runtime functionality will grow and more and more Engine developers may find it a more viable solution. Existing and new Engine Developers who are looking to build lightweight GIS solutions should take a look at the functionality that Runtime provides and see if fits their need.
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02:41 PM
Thanks a lot, Mike. I thought ArcGIS Runtime will work on the .mpk file directly. So did you mean that the ArcGIS Runtime will automatically unpackage the data to user profile folder and the end user don't have to worry about anything of this process? How about the end user want to transfer his/her works to someone else? Does it require to "package" the data again and share it with someone else? Fayu Lai Principal Software Engineer Innovyze 618 Michillinda Ave, Tel: +1 626 568 6605 Suite 200 Fax: +1 626 568 6870 Arcadia, CA 91007 USA Hi, 1) Map Packages can either contain the data within a File GDB within the Package, or reference File GDBs which are external to the Map Package. There is an option in the Sharing dialog in ArcMap to specify this behaviour. You could create multiple Map Documents (.MXDs) in ArcMap which reference the same data (e.g. within a File GDB) but with each map displaying the data differently, with different symbols/styles. Then you could package each map Document choosing to reference the data source rather than include it in the package. That way, you would have multiple Maps Packages, each with a different style, but pointing at the same data source to avoid data duplication. 2) Yes, the premise of Map Packages is that they make maps and data very easy to share/deploy with applications. The ArcGIS Runtime will resolve relative paths to Packages so you can ship the package alongside your application. 3) Exactly what data the user edits is up to you. Map Packages are a compressed bundle of files, a "package", so are therefore unpacked into the users profile to be used within the ArcGIS Runtime. In Beta 1 this is always the user profile (\My Documents\ArcGIS\Packages) but after Beta 1 we hope to allow the developer to specify this location via the API. If you choose to include the data within the Map Package the data will be edited in the unpacked location within the user profile. The Package will not be unpacked a second time if it already exists in the user profile so the user will continue to see any edits they have made. However, if you choose to reference the data externally to the package then edits will be made against the external File GDB. 4) The spatial reference of the map control in the ArcGIS Runtime API can be changed - but it does not support reprojection on the fly. If you do not explicitly set the map control spatial reference, it is determined by the first layer added to the map. All subsequent layers must match that spatial reference. When creating Map Packages, the spatial reference of the Map Document can be different to the spatial reference of the data - the LocalMapService will perform reprojection. You can reproject GIS data using Geoprocessing within the ArcGIS Runtime - but the data would need to be referenced by a Map Package in order for it to be added to the Map Control. Cheers Mike
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10:03 AM
Hi Ralf, Thank you for your message. What is the road map for ArcObjects API? Will it eventually be replaced by ArcGIS Runtime? We may need to stay ArcObjects for a few years since most of our clients are still heavily relied on ArcGIS Desktop. Best regards, Fayu Lai Principal Software Engineer Innovyze 618 Michillinda Ave, Tel: +1 626 568 6605 Suite 200 Fax: +1 626 568 6870 Arcadia, CA 91007 USA Hi laolai, There is no WPF control at 10.1, and no plans to include one at this time through the ArcObjects API. Support for WPF continues by using the WindowsFormsHost control as it did at 10.0. If it critical to use a native WPF control you should look into the ArcGIS Runtime SDK for WPF as a possible solution.
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08:01 AM
Thank you, Ralf. Now I understand better how ArcGIS runtime works. So is it possible that I do the following things? 1) We create all GIS data in file geodatabase format in ArcGIS and share them as Map Packages in ArcMap. We will include Bing map in case the users need to view the background map. We may also create different templates in different map packages to allow our users to choose different map styles. 2) We deliver those map packages together with our software to our end users. 3) When the users open our program and select a map package. Our program will make a copy of the map package and the user can directly edit on the copy of the map package. Not sure if we can do these steps above. One more questions: Can I change spatial reference of GIS data and/or map frame in ArcGIS runtime? We don't know what kind of spatial reference the users will use in our development side. Best regards, Fayu Lai Principal Software Engineer Innovyze 618 Michillinda Ave, Tel: +1 626 568 6605 Suite 200 Fax: +1 626 568 6870 Arcadia, CA 91007 USA Hi Fayu, The ArcGIS Runtime does not require a connection through ArcGIS Server's services, it can run entirely disconnected from ArcGIS Server. As Mike said you would create a Map Package in ArcMap that either contains the data you want to use, or a reference to data that you want to use. You could then load this Map Package in the ArcGIS Runtime and use the data. The ArcGIS Runtime does not allow you to author data within it and there is no way to add an ArcGIS feature class directly. The current workflow is to use ArcMap and author a package and then consume this package in the Runtime. Programmatically the way you consume these packages is very similar to the way you would consume ArcGIS Server Services through the existing Web APIs. It sounds like this workflow would work for what you are trying to do, you could create a map package that references your SDE data and then consume that Map Package in the Runtime to do your work. I don't know enough about the local driver that you are using or how it relates to MapObjects, so I can't comment on how you would consume that in the Runtime. If it doesn't it would be great to hear how it falls short, any feedback you could provide for this would be very helpful. It is a different API and to some degree a different overall design, so a direct one-to-one migration might not be possible. But, that doesn't mean that you would not be able to accomplish the same functionality in a slightly different way.
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02:49 PM
Hi Mike, We are trying to use ArcGIS Runtime to rewrite one of our important product lines which was developed based on MapObjects 10 years ago. Currently most of the end users are from other countries and sometimes don't even have ESRI software installed. They access the data from local driver or ArcSDE directly. So yes, it is crucial to allow our programs to access the Data directly instead of going through ArcGIS Server's services. Best regards, Fayu Lai Principal Software Engineer Innovyze 618 Michillinda Ave, Tel: +1 626 568 6605 Suite 200 Fax: +1 626 568 6870 Arcadia, CA 91007 USA Hi, The ArcGIS Runtime API for WPF builds on the existing ArcGIS API for WPF to provide local data support via local services (i.e. map, feature, geoprocessing, etc). In order to be able to create a local service referencing a feature class, that feature class must first have been added to a Map Document (MXD) then shared as a Map Package (.MPK). The reason for this is two fold: 1) because the Runtime uses the optimised map rendering engine and 2) to keep the Runtime footprint as small as possible (through minimising the components required). Over time, the existing ArcGIS API for WPF product will become the basic product level within the ArcGIS Runtime API for WPF, with a standard level offering local services support (inc approx ArcView level geoprocessing) and an advanced level providing extended geoprocessing capabilities. In the application you are writing / are going to write, is one of your key requirements to support the end user being able to add feature classes in an adhoc manner? Cheers Mike
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11:02 AM
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