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Help Out UC Newbies and Share Your UC Tips!

05-05-2017 05:39 PM
Esri Community Team

It's almost that time of year. As we get ready for the User Conference, we want to help first-time attendees prepare, so we're looking for those who have been to UC before to offer tips, advice and share other helpful knowledge to help first-timers make the most out of their experience.

So, let us know... what should first-time attendees do to prepare and have a successful UC? What should they do during and after the event to maximize learning and networking? What strategies work for you? What do you wish you did differently at your first or last UC? 

Your tips will be shared here on GeoNet in the User Conference group, as well as in other pre-UC communications going out over the next couple months. Post your tips below and thanks for sharing and spreading the word! 

See what others have previously shared each year below.

Esri Community Strategist
88 Replies
Honored Contributor

One Map Gallery drink, eh? I guess not everyone is buying AGOL credits..

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Frequent Contributor
  • The giant room for the Plenary session on Monday is freezing cold.  Bring a jacket!  I told this to my colleagues last year and they were thankful for the warning.
  • Wear comfortable shoes.
  • There's never enough time to see all the workshops/sessions you want.  If pressed for time, get your lunch ahead of time at the Ralphs (1st and G st).
MVP Emeritus

Very long list....

  • As a fan of railroads...I'll put this first.  Be careful when crossing the tracks.  There is a mainline and commuter tracks that must be crossed to get to the Gas Lamp district (ie food). Be careful and do not temp fate.  Also, careful when crossing the main road...lots of traffic.
  • When getting you name tag on the lanyard, if it hangs too low (i.e. on your stomach), shorten it up by tying a small knot in the back.  I typically find the middle and tie off about 2 inches down and adjust as needed.
  • In the past, we have been given a UC tote/bookbag.  These are great collector items (I use one everyday to/from work), but typically not as easy to lug around as a small lightweight backpack.
  • If you miss the plenary, remember you can usually live-stream the action, or watch if after from links on the UC page. During the plenary breaks, there can be long lines at the bathroom.  Many use the ones on the second floor. But if you don't mind a walk, head to one away from the plenary hall.
  • If you can, stay for the closing session on Friday. Part of it is a panel of Esri staff answering questions and/or responding to trending feedback from the week.  Impromptu polls (hands of by clapping) allow for some instant feedback from us, the users.
  • When looking at your schedule and trying to select prioritize sessions, look at the Friday am sessions.  There are only a few selections, but may be one you can skip earlier in the week.  But keep in mind, these sessions can fill up fast and be standing room only so get there early. (assuming you aren't recovering from the Thursday night part).
  • If you are still looking for a hotel, and can't qualify/afford the conference rates, there are other hotel not on the conference list.  If you get one that is a bit out of walking distance, look for one with easy access to a trolley (the commuter train) station.  Another option is arranging for an Uber/Lyft or the bus.
  • If you come in on the Trolley, get off at the Gas Lamp station, not the "conference center" station, unless you are going to the Marriott on the north end.  The Gas Lamp stop is much closer to registration, the plenary, the showcase/vendor floor, and many of the sessions.  
  • Although the rooms can be cold for some people (I'm usually ok), when you go outside, it can be very hot and/or humid.  Think about layers.
  • I think officially the dress is "business casual", but I recommend wearing what akes you feel comfortable.  You will see everything from 3-peice suites to shorts and t-shirts. My overall impression over the years is more dress for casual and comfort than 3-peice suits. Theee is a lot happening during the week, and feeling comfortable hopefully takes some of the stress out of it.  If you are looking for a job and expect to meet with potential employees, keep that in mind and dress accordingly (but don't be surprised if they are in jeans or shorts).
  • The event app has gotten better over the years, but not always easy to use when in a rush.  Last year they had several large screen showing current and upcoming sessions.  Those can come in handy.  Keep in mind that these may not list the "demo theater" offerings.
  • The demo theaters offerings are typically very focused and much shorter than a full session.  This can be good, but also may interrupt a longer session you want to attend.  They can be excellent follow up sessions to a topic of interest, and are more intimate (i.e. maybe 60-100 vs 1000 people).  The chairs can fill up fast, and it can be harder to hear these sessions (due to showcase floor noise), so plan accordingly.
  • Bling from the booths is nice, but remember you have to carry it with you until you get back to your room.  The User Experience area usually has some neat posters....if you think you are going to grab one, think about bringing an empty mailing tube so it doesn't get crunched (and cheaper than buying it from the conf center mailing center.  ....but do consider mailing things home if luggage cost is an issue.
  • If you start exchanging business cards, write a quick note on the card re: what you talked to the person about.  It doesn't take long before the UC brain saturation point hits, and once back in the office it's a blur. This is especially important if you get a lot of cards from esri staff you have discussed specific problems with
  • If, like me, you like to have a bottle of water at all times...bring a refillable bottle and use the water dispensers that are in most tech session rooms.  If you drink coffee, keep in mind that it sometimes runs out (dev summit was much better on this issue this year), but it you walk with your coffee, one with a non-spillable top is nice.  Less chance of making a mess.
  • Take enough time on the showcase/vendor hall to ask questions, listen to other discussions about products, and explore something new.
  • As others have mentioned, if you want the popular t-shirt from the UC store, shore early in the week as they typically will sell out of some/many items.  If you can go during a session instead of a general break (maybe when you have a break between demo theater session) that helps.  Hours vary per day.  They pretty much close up on Thursday, with only a few selected items (no books) available Friday (usually in the upstairs hall).  BTW - they do take credit cards.
  • Don't wait until later Thursday to pick up you party wristband unless you want to stand in line.  They usually start handing them out on Wednesday, and although not true fashion, it won't cause any .
  • The crowd is massive, but very friendly.  Meet new people if you can. Talking to others heading in on the trolley is great fun, and you can usually spot those with the name tag around their neck or carrying the UC tote/bag. If like me, you are not real comfortable in huge crowds, just focus on small groups around you.  But don't forget to just stand-back and people watch. Take a look at the huge community, and remember, we all do and like GIS!
  • Make sure you keep an open mind and have some wiggle room in your schedule.  I find that I have different priorities after hearing the plenary. 
  • Don't be surprised that by Thursday, you can't remember what you learned on Tuesday. Keep track of what you want to follow up on, or what you didn't have time to see, and either buy the Sound of Knowledge recordings, or watch the free ones posted on Esri Videos | E360 Videos: GIS, Events, ArcGIS Products & Industries or the esri youtube channel.   It is nearly impossible to absorb all the information you will hear during the week, so take a few notes...take a few snapshots of a display...pick up (and share) business card...whatever will help spark your memory once back in the office.  Then follow up as needed.
  • Join and be active on the Geonet forums.  Want to learn more?  Think about attending one of the Geonet specific sessions

If you made it thru that whole list...congrats. I probably could come up with many more suggestions, but that's all for now.  Main thing.....have fun and enjoy all things GIS!

Esri Notable Contributor

Thanks for sharing rastrauch‌! These are great tips coming from an Esri UC Pro!

0 Kudos
Frequent Contributor
  • Get your badge before Monday
  • Special interest group meetings during the lunch hour have served boxed lunch in the past
  • Pick out several sessions during each time slot and know where they are if you decide one that you're in is not what you expected. Have options.
  • Get your Esri Store gifts right away since some items sell out early.

It's a great week and being prepared yet flexible will help you take advantage of all that is offered.

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Deactivated User

Hello UC Veterans - UC Newbie here. These tips are great! Few practical questions I figured this group could help answer:

  1. Being that I'm staying at a hotel where badge pickup is not available, and that I am coming in late Sunday, how early should I show up at the convention center to get my badge and not miss any of the plenary?
  2. What do folks do with their luggage the last day of the conference after they check out of their rooms? Is there a luggage storage room at the conference?
  3. Are bus passes available to purchase somewhere at the conference?
  4. When and where do you pick up wristbands for Balboa? At check in?
  5. And for fun - What has been your favorite meetup/party/event?

See you at the UC!

0 Kudos
MVP Honored Contributor

Hi Devin,

The Plenary starts at 8:30 and you will always be able to find a seat in there (even if you are a little late). You'll see tons of people standing around by the walls and doors but they don't want seats. You just have to move more towards the stage and squeeze in a little - you'll be ok in that manner.

1. Don't be too afraid about packet pick-up. Esri has done a wonderful job of making this a very fast process. Here is a not-so-good pic I took last year of the packet pick-up area:

They herd you into different corrals based on last name (I think) and it goes really quick. If you are in there by 8:00 you should really be fine (though, the earlier the better).

2. I believe there is a luggage storage area at the convention center somewhere. I'm sure someone can answer that.

3. Not sure on buses.

4. Balboa wrist bands are usually available starting late on Wednesday, but I would suggest getting the wrist band on Thursday since it cannot come off and is not transferable (like seriously, don't fight this, haha). But do it early in the day on Thursday since this line can get a little long.

5. My favorite is the Balboa Park outing. 

MVP Emeritus

To add to Adrians.

1.  As Adrian mentioned, the pick up is pretty fast these days.  Have your registration info and ID out to speed it up.  Don't forget to grab the goody bag (assuming they still have a bag to hand out).  I tend to get to the convention center early (7:30-8)....better chance to get a coffee/water/tea on the first day, but there is quite a long time to linger with the crowd waiting for the doors to open, so it you don't need coffee and don't mind being towards the back of the plenary, you can go later.  Don't worry about getting a good view...there are many large screens that show the stage live...sometimes easier to see that then the actual stage.

2. yes, they usually have luggage storage at the convention center..there is a small charge.  It is right in the main open area at the front of the convention center so you should be able to see it.  I believe it is open every day since people come and go each day.

3.  I know you can pick up bus schedules there, not sure about passes.  You can ge trolley tickets right across the street in the machines.  If you can, depending on your hotel location, I recommend the "trolley" commuter train.  Scheduling is convenient M-F (less often on weekends) and run late.  They are clean and safe.  Tickets are honor system in that you don't give it to anyone, but they do random checks so make sure you have one.  They are relatively cheap and you can get multi-day passes.      for info buses, trolley, etc.

4. personally I get the wrist band on Wednesday.  I hate standing in lines and I don't even notice the wrist band after a few minutes.

5. the Thursday night part is always great (not always at Balboa Park, but that does seem to be the norm most years now). I like the wednesday night dev meetup....but it is almost getting too crowded now.  These is some type of user group meeting almost every night.  Check with your regional user group, if you have one, as the may have invites.

As for the favorite learning opportunity (which is always fun), it somewhat depends on your GIS level and workflow.  The tech sessions are great and are at all levels.  But if you have a specific question or are more focused, I like the showcase floor since it allows you to talk to esri staff one-on-one about your particular issues, there are smaller/shorter/more-specific demo theater presentations, a place to test the software, and many booths to visit to see the latest 3rd party innovations. 

Deactivated User

Hi Devin,

1. The following is a list of the locations, dates, and timeframes for picking up your UC badge:

San Diego Convention Center - Hall D

Saturday, July 8 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Sunday, July 9 | 7:30am - 5:30pm

Monday, July 10 | 7:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday, July 11 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Wednesday, July 12 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Thursday, July 13 | 7:30am - 3:00pm

Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel - Indigo Foyer (Level 2)

Friday, July 7 | 4:30pm - 7:00pm

Saturday, July 8 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Sunday, July 9 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Monday, July 10 | 7:00am - 9:30am

San Diego Marriott Marquis & Marina Hotel - Marina Foyer, South Tower (Level 3)

Saturday, July 8 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Sunday, July 9 | 7:30am - 4:30pm

Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel - Grand Ballroom Foyer

Saturday, July 8 | 7:30am - 5:00pm

Sunday, July 9 | 7:30am - 4:30pm

2. As far as taking care of your luggage, there is a coat check area run by the San Diego Convention Center in Grand Lobby C. 

3. I'm not aware of the ability to purchase bus tickets in the convention center.

4. If you're needing to purchase wristbands for family/friends for the Thursday Night Party in Balboa Park, those can be purchased and picked-up from the Activities Desk in the convention center all week (Sat - Thur). Otherwise, if you're just picking up the wristband that's included with most registrations/badges, those are handed out at the Activities Desk or main Information Desk in the Grand Lobby of the convention center on Wednesday or Thursday. I advise you pickup the wristband that's included with your registration/badge on Wednesday as the lines can sometimes be quite long on Thursday. Please be aware that the wristbands given out as included with a registration/badge must be put on by an Esri staff member at the time of pick-up. So if you pick-up on Wednesday you'd need to wear the wristband until Thursday. The wristbands are waterproof and very durable.

5. The Monday evening Map Gallery Opening & Reception and Thursday Night Party are typically the 2 most popular meetups/parties/events.

Deactivated User

Bus Passes

You can pay your fare with cash when boarding, at a kiosk, or on the app. They do not give change so be sure to have the exact amount. It's $2.50 one-way and $5 for a day pass. The $2.50 one-way is a better option if you want to take the bus from the airport. You can pay cash when you board.

I've paid with the Compass Cloud app but the minimum is $5 not $2.50. You can also buy a Compass Card from the machine at the airport but there is a $2 fee.

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