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Esri UC 2018 Day 4 Updates: Meet-Ups, Final Expo Minutes, and the Thursday Night Party

07-12-2018 10:57 PM
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We wrapped up Day 3 with a few evening activities. Check out the Esri UC 2018 Day 3 Daily Updates‌.

And in case you missed any of our other updates, enjoy.


As we quickly approach the final few activities of the User Conference, we spent a few hours at the GeoNet Expo booth meeting with so many attendees and GeoNet members.

Michelle and Chris helping Chris DiDio

Michelle and Chris are helping Chris Di Dio‌.

Candace answering questions

Candace Loya‌ answering questions about GeoNet.

Final GeoNet Meet-Up for UC 2018 

We said farewell to our GeoNet members and non-members at the last GeoNet Meet-Up of the week.

GeoNet Meet-up 071222018

Chris Catania is‌ leading a chat with GeoNet members at the Thursday GeoNet meet-up.

GeoNet Meet-Up Photo with member at UC 2018

GeoNet members are finally putting a face to the names they see in the Community.

GeoNet Meet-Up Photo at UC 2018

Chatting with GeoNet Champion Adrian Welsh

GeoNet meet-up with members

Chris Catania‌ talks GeoNet with Andrew

MOOC Meet-Up

Written by Adena Schutzberg, MOOC Program Manager


The MOOC team hosted its first MOOC Meet-Up at the Esri User Conference. We so enjoyed meeting our online students face to face!


In our MOOCs, we encourage students to help one another out and to learn together. We brought that spirit to the MeetUp and urged attendees to team up to build structures with our multicolored MOOC business cards. Among the entrees were a replica of Padres Stadium, a model of the recent Hawaii earthquakes, a woven tapestry and a campground. We awarded each member of the team behind our favorite creation, which used the cards in multiple ways, a copy of Ken Field’s new Cartography. Book.

Build something winners

The winning team rolled, bent and flexed MOOC business cards into this 3D structure.

I shared a few facts and figures about our MOOC students in the past four years:


  • Our instructor taught 133, 000 students
  • Students earned 27,000 Certificates of Completion
  • We’ve offered 22 MOOCs


The highlight for attendees, I think, was meeting their instructors, and some of the “behind the scenes” MOOC team members. The five Cartography. Instructors, decked out in their “wizard” T-shirts said hello, as did Brendan O’Neill, instructor of Do-it-Yourself Geo Apps and Kevin Butler, instructor of Earth Imagery at Work. Linda Beale, who set the bar high with the Esri’s first MOOC, Going Places with Spatial Analysis, literally ran in from another meeting to greet students, and confirm her commitment to developing “season two” of that course. Every instructor gave the nod to longtime MOOC instructional designer Nancy Matheny, who shared that her favorite part of the role was interacting with the very motivated MOOC students in the course forums.


Carto Wizards - MOOC

The five instructors of Cartography. came dressed in their cartography wizards T-shirts. Wesley Jones, far right, drew the cartoons which now grace buttons and stickers.

Our attendees provided some great ideas for future MOOCs that we’ll take into consideration. The MOOC team appreciates students coming out to spend time with us and their passion for learning and helping one another learn. With that good energy, we are ready to get back to work and update existing  MOOCs and make new ones!


Esri MOOCs are free multi-week courses open to anyone. Esri provides all the needed software and licenses, and students can work at their own pace whenever they choose to complete the course content.

Register today to join us for one of our upcoming MOOCs!

Starting September 5 (registration ends September 20)

Starting October 31 (registration ends November 15)

Thursday Night Party

Attendees and Esri staff had some well-earned fun at the Thursday Night party. Many attendees, many families, cute ducklings, so much food, music, museums, and fun.

In line for the party bus.

Hundreds of attendees were waiting in line for the party bus outside the convention center. The excitement was in the air.


O' Romeo, Romeo. Wherefore art' thou Romeo?

Ducklings at the Esri UC Party

Ducklings at the Esri UC Party

Dragon Dancers

Dragon Dancers in the China Town area

Where is Lara Croft?

Where is Lara Croft?

Beautiful architecture

The beautiful architecture was everywhere to behold.

So many attendees

So many attendees. Recognize anyone?

Live music

Live music and beach balls.

Children dancing

Even the kids were dancing.

Shark pool

Did you find Waldo at the Train Museum? We know where the Shark was hiding.

And tomorrow we will have the closing session - Stay tuned for the final day. 

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