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Unreachable outlets

03-24-2011 01:06 PM
New Contributor
Software:  ESRI ArcLogistics 9.3 SP2 - Operating System:  Windows 7

I am routing several delivery locations in the New Orleans metro area.  Several orders result in an "Unreachable" error when I attempt to assign them to a vehicle.  Most of these orders are on a few blocks of one street with several other orders on the street that are routed.  For example, the software will route the 100 block of Bourbon St., skip the 200-500 block and then route the 600-1200 block of Bourbon St.  How can I get the software to route these orders?
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7 Replies
New Contributor
Do you have any curb approach values set?  It looks like all those blocks are one-way streets so if you have some 'curb approach = right side' orders, you wouldn't be able to route to them if they were on the left side of the street. 

If that doesn't seem to be it, post up a few of the specific problem addresses with any attributes or routing restrictions/parameters you added and I'll check them out.

Also, which dataset are you using?  Tele Atlas, NAVTEQ, or your something you created yourself?  It would also help to know what version the data was if you know that.
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That's what is strange.  All of the streets in the French Quarter are one way streets, therefore I do not assign a curb approach to any of the orders.  It is odd to me that it will route orders on one block of Bourbon, then skip a few blocks, then route a few more.

I am using Tele Atlas StreetMap 11.1.

115 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70130 ---> Routed
144 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70130 ---> Routed
209 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70130 ---> Unreachable
226 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70130 ---> Unreachable
407 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70130 ---> Unreachable
411 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70130 ---> Unreachable
718 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116 ---> Routed
901 Bourbon St., New Orleans, LA 70116 ---> Routed
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New Contributor
I can reproduce this but even 718 Bourbon St. won't route.  We'll look into it, certainly seems wrong.
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So unfortunately there is an incorrect data attribute which is prohibiting passing across Bourbon st where it crossed Iberville St around the 100 block.  I checked it out and it seems like this should be allowed but for some reason, the TA data prohibits this.  You can check the Manpath.sdc file and do an identify in ArcMap to see it has a turn maneuver with value = X there which forbids it. 

Unfortunately, it's a data issue, not a whole lot we can do except fix the data or use an ugly workaround like move the orders to reachable segments and then make a comment about the actual address.  Will this work in the meantime?
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New Contributor
I can work around the orders for the moment as I continue to re-route the sales and delivery departments and test the upgrade for our day-to-day dispatchers.  Is there any time table on having the issue resolved (so I can adjust/cancel the upgrade date)?
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New Contributor
We've tested across a few datasets and it appears the updated Tele Atlas data is better but it also appears there is possibly a bug in the VRP solver as well.  Unfortunately, if this is the case then the fix would be most likely targeted for 10 sp3 I'd imagine.  I know you're evaluating 9.3 sp2, is there a possibility you could move to using 10?
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New Contributor
Update on this:  This section of Bourbon St. is only open for vehicles 11am-8pm.  Unfortunately, our solver doesn't support these time-based restrictions so even though the data vendors have added them to the datasets, we can't yet make use of them.

This will most likely be addressed in the next data update.
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