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Problem with EliminatePolygonPart

04-04-2012 06:04 AM
Frequent Contributor
In my script I create line data from GPS points, buffer the line then run the EliminatePolygonPart tool to remove small areas remaining after the buffer. This works on the geometry, but does weird things to the attribute data. Most times, when run in ArcMap it takes my string ID and converts it to the previous shape_length value. Sometimes in ArcMap and every time I use it in a script, it just removes any attribute fields completely. Has anyone else encountered this type of behaviour from this tool?

I attached screen shots of the attribute table of the single part feature class with one feature I am using it on.
Edit: The first picture is the attribute table after the eliminate. The second picture is the original attribute table from the buffer.

Edit2: I should have put this as discussion instead of question since I solved my problem already by just calculating the field after the eliminate instead of before. It just seems like very strange behaviour and was wondering if anyone else had this issue before I opened a ticket with Esri.
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