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Maximums?  Locations, Orders, Comments (comprehensive import templates)

02-11-2012 11:31 AM
New Contributor
I have looked through the blogs, forums, product literature, training materials, etc. and feel a bit stumped. 😞

The closest, although just short a column, page that I found was: 😐

Does anyone know the following maximums supported by ArcLogistics:

Max Number of Locations:
Max Number of Orders:
Max Comment length (string):
Max Description length (string):
Max Name length (string):
Order Number length (string):
Home Phone length (string):

Also, by any chance, does anyone know where to find templates that are set up with ALL the fields available for importing?  Want to make sure that all the fields will line up as automatically as possible for batch loading.  Primarily interested in location and order templates.

Thank you,


PS. Is there an export function in ArcLogistics that allows you to export the comprehensive set of fields in csv/xls format - just in case there aren't any templates readily avaialble?
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1 Reply
New Contributor
Hi Brent, I'll try to answer your questions the best I can and we can go from there.

Max locations: I don't think there is actually a limit.  It's rare for users to have more than a few depots or locations where vehicles start/end.
Max Orders: 2,500 per solve
Comment: 35 characters
Description: 25 characters
Name: Not sure
Order Number: 15 characters
Home Phone: 20 characters
(A number of these are editable in defaults.xml at C:\ProgramData\ArcLogistics, you'd need to create a new project to take effect though)

I'll attach our standard 'starter' template for importing but this may not be comprehensive enough for you.  Have you seen the Plug-In SDK for ArcLogistics?  There is an Import/Export sample which may be of use to you.  Send me an email at and I can get that for you.
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