How to work with the related data in python script

03-08-2012 09:31 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: fiendniu

Dear all

I just related a table which contains neighbor points of every point in the point shapefile. As the highlighted example shown in attachment, when I select the OBJECTID_1 = 1, the table also show me its neighbor points information.

Is it possible to involve this during my data processing? for example,  each GPS point, whose location will be changed to the average location of all the GPS points covered by the circle after the smoothing process. if a GPS point does not have any other point within a searchRadius of 4m it will remain.
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1 Reply
by Anonymous User
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Original User: armadillo

There are no functions to return related records in a second table. Is that what you meant? You could open a searchcursor on the related table with a sort field and/or "where" clause, using the field and key value from the relate. Search the related table for the occurrences of the matching value in the key field.
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