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Creating and adding zones for arclogistics 10.0

01-28-2011 05:02 AM
New Contributor
I have created 5 different shape files using Arcmap10. Each shape file represents the zone that I need. All of these shape files have the Geographic Coordinate System: GCS_North_American_1983. I am able to import each shape file in Arclogistics but the zones are not showing up correctly. They preview as swigly lines. Also when I attempt to calculate a route using those zones it gives me an error and it won�??t let me calculate the route. So far I also copied those shape files changed the coordinates systems to GCS_WGS_1984. I then imported those shape files to Arclogistics but I get the same results. Any suggestions?
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3 Replies
New Contributor
If you don't mind, zipping up an example of those .shp files and emailing to me at would probably be the quickest way to resolve this.

Just a quick clarification though, this is for ArcLogistics Desktop 10, correct?  Not the version using online services?
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New Contributor II
I also am trying to use a single shapefile with 7 zones to use as hard zones when creating routes. Each time I import the zone shapefile I try to match the ArcLogisticss Field (Name) to my Data Source Field (Route) but I only see field names of the Orders shapefile. I've deleted all my orders from the project and tried importing the zones but I'm still only seeing my orders field names  in the Data Source Fields and not my zones field names. I'm using ArcLogistics online service with ArcGIS 10. Any ideas?

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New Contributor
Hi James, it sounds odd that you're importing zones and seeing order properties.  Having existing orders should have nothing to do with importing zones.  Can you verify you're on the Setup tab > Zones panel as seen in the attachment?

You can also send me the file at and I'll have a look as well.
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