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Building routes doesn't work

03-15-2012 06:26 AM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: fitzin1234


I already set up 2 locations (distribution centers), vehicles and imported the orders into an routing folder. However, when I press the "build routes" button, a window opens saying that 2 route locations cannot be found on the network (namely my 2 depots) and so the operation cannot proceed (screenshot attached).

Furthermore, before this windows opens, another window opens saying that the constraints concerning "Max Orders" and "Weight Capacity" cannot be met. For that purpose I have to say, that I don't have a "Max Orders" constraint in my VRP and therefore I entered any large number as "Max Order".

Screenshots of both windows are attached.

Would be great if you could help me..

Best regards, Andrea
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11 Replies
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: byagrich

Very happy to hear it!
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New Contributor
Also the route building is working now 🙂
Thank you really very much!
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