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Jan 2021 T3G Webinar survey

01-09-2021 11:30 AM
Esri Alum

T3Gers: amid the chaos of March-December, I bet you each had at least one moment of "Hey! This helped!" Maybe even a quiet but well deserved "Good for me!" for making something work, or making some lives better. Maybe you led a great class in an awesome new way, or succeeded with a remote project; maybe you helped a colleague, or rescued a friend; maybe a single student, or their whole family, had a better experience because of something you did. Whatever it was, you might be able to help someone else just by sharing that story. We've set up a Survey123,, and want to ask you to share, so that we can look at these in our January webinar. You all have done so much this year. Please submit one thing, join the webinar, and take away ideas that could help you. ((Also remember: new registration needed for Jan-May 2021 series. See the T3G Webinars page.))

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