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quarter quarter sections

07-02-2010 01:09 PM
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: hlyell

Anyone know of a (fairly recent) tool or method that will yield a grid that equally divides sections into 16 equal quarter quarters?

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6 Replies
Frequent Contributor
Well, I guess I would take the length of the section line and divide it by 4, on all four sides and then COGO it in. Are you trying to do this in the Parcel Fabric? From there you can just click node to node and then planarize the lines.
Don't know if that helps.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: lygismav

I am also curious about this issue.

Currently I am Dividing up each side into 4 equal length segments then drawing lines from node to node as ccorwin15 suggests.  I have three concerns:

1) Is there an easier way to get the segment lengths than using calculator to manually get the segment lengths  (why cant the parcel fabric editor automatically divide a segment into 4 sections or can it and I am missing something?)

2)  once we planerize the lines, I am concerned that the 1/16th lines that create the quarter quarter sections will not be strait across a section.  Is there a way to force them to be strait?

3) If a monument is located and we have a new GPS point for the section, what is the best way to update the section, the quarter sections, and the parcels within the section.
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Esri Contributor
The segmented line tool will create new lines or divide an existing line into many equally proportioned lines.

To answer you 3rd question Mark, the most appropriate method would be to associate your new monument to an existing Parcel Fabric corner and adjust the data.  Let me know if you need more specifics, but here is a link to the Least Squares and linking existing network (corner) points to new Control Points.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: ianbroad

I recently made a couple tools to do this. One tool creates the quarter quarter sections from an existing section grid and the other tool labels the quarter quarter sections how you want.

You can view a video of the tool and download the toolbox here:

Hope it helps.
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by Anonymous User
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Original User: fconkling

In responding to this thread, it is important to remember that breaking down a section, or even a quarter section in the Public Land Survey System is NOT a mathematical exercise. The correct breakdown of the section is completely dependent on the location of the monuments placed by the original government surveyor and as shown on the original plat of survey.

In most regular townships, and excess and shortages are placed in the northern and western tier of sections, commonly called "closing sections" and even that is dependent upon what the surveyor found in the field.  The breakdown is also dependent upon any water features contained within the township that may cause fractional sections or government lots where "normal" breakdowns are not possible.

Further reading is available here: under subdivision of sections.

Good luck.

Frank Conkling,
Panda Consulting
New Contributor
Awesome!  Thanks so much, Ian!  An absolute *HUGE* time saver!  I love the extra touches you've added to the toolbox since this video was (Create Q Labels, Create Q Sections, the default labeling of the points.)  However, I could be wrong here, but I've always heard that you should "work your way back" when describing QQs of a section.  So, for instance, where your script defaults with the value of "NWNE" to indicate the NE quadrant of the NW quadrant...I've always heard it referred to as the "NE Quarter of the NW Quarter" and have seen it written as "NE/4 NW/4."  So, I would think the label should be "NENW" -- or, at least, that's how I would use it (although, I actually will probably use "NE/4 NW/4.") Granted, it's nothing for me to change this in the tool before I use it, but I wanted to share this information with you. Thoughts?

I recently made a couple tools to do this. One tool creates the quarter quarter sections from an existing section grid and the other tool labels the quarter quarter sections how you want.

You can view a video of the tool and download the toolbox here:

Hope it helps.
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