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Public Notification Widget

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01-18-2018 02:13 PM
Occasional Contributor II

Is there a way to add to or remove from your selection generated by the widget?  Many times we will have adjacent properties that are owned by the same person so we do not need duplicate labels for each.  It would also be nice to be able to select additional parcels to add to the selection.


1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
Esri Contributor

This enhancement has been officially released and is available.

If you would like use interactive selection tools to add or remove selected features from the map, check the box for Use selection drawing tools.

Public Notification | ArcGIS for Local Government 


Please let technical support know if you run into any issues.





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5 Replies
Esri Contributor

Thanks for the enhancement request, we're currently evaluating it for a future release of the widget - currently you have to use the drawing tools to generate a custom shape for notificaiton.

Chris Buscaglia

Local Government Solutions

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by Anonymous User
Not applicable

Something to be a careful of for public notification:

  • In order to ensure a legally supportable notice, a complete list of parcels and their owners should be retained for the record.  A graphic representation of the notice area is helpful but does not readily prove that you have sent a notice to all of the owners, a complete list does. 

In order to "remove" duplicates but preserve the integrity of the notice, we follow a brute force process

  1. Export the list (including parcel ID)
  2. Sort by owner and parcel ID
  3. add parcel number for commonly owned parcels to the parcel ID field for one record (the first common record) and then delete the "extra" records.
Esri Contributor

This enhancement has been officially released and is available.

If you would like use interactive selection tools to add or remove selected features from the map, check the box for Use selection drawing tools.

Public Notification | ArcGIS for Local Government 


Please let technical support know if you run into any issues.





New Contributor III

Add to Selection  using Shift+Draw works ok with free hand drawing and I'm able to add the selection.

However Remove selection using Ctrl+Draw is not working, or most of the time it's not, I will loose all the selection or it won't respond.

I don't seem to be able to find anyone complaining about this.



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New Contributor III

I am having the same problem being unable to remove a part of the selection.

We want to remove duplicates and unnecessary labels being printed. I wish there was more control over the labels that are being selected without having to select one by one.

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