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My Government Services -- No data showing in info pop-up window

03-20-2014 05:50 AM
New Contributor III
Using the default mxd for MGS I configured the config.js for my server. Some of the pop up data is showing, the other ones are not showing anything, not even the fieldnames (such as "name" "address" etc). Clearly the services showing which day of the week the service is done shows. Not sure why the other services aren't.
This is for 10.2 version.
Please see the attached image for more information.
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1 Reply
New Contributor II

Hi Tiffany,

I saw your post and wondered if you ever got the issue resolved as I am having the same exact problem and ESRI tech support has yet to be able to figure it out. I have spent the last two weeks working on it and nothing seems to fix the problem.


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