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How to use the results from a query to populate a value

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04-11-2012 01:05 PM
Labels (1)
Occasional Contributor
I am using the attribute assistant (which by the way I think is wonderful) but I have run into a bit of a problem. Here is the scenario:

My road names are stored and maintained in a separate Oracle Database.
I am creating spatial road locations in an Oracle SDE geodatabase and need to lookup a road name and copy the value to the spatial feature.
I am using the attribute assistant and the validate_attribute_lookup value method to get the road name and it works great.

Now, what I need to do is while I am looking up the road name value, I need to get the unique road name id (another value associated with the table entry). Any suggestions on how I could do this? The road name ids are gibberish so the lookup is not helpful. Ideally, I would just like it to grab two pieces of information when I am doing the lookup.

All suggestions are welcome.

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1 Solution

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Esri Frequent Contributor
Have you looked at Copy Link Record.  You might be able to use the road name to join to the table and get the other piece of information.  I can look at adding a new rule to validate lookup and extract other data.

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2 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor
Have you looked at Copy Link Record.  You might be able to use the road name to join to the table and get the other piece of information.  I can look at adding a new rule to validate lookup and extract other data.
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Occasional Contributor

In the end I used the COPY_LINKED_RECORD to get the information that I wanted. It is working fine. The one issue I do have is for some reason that materialized views seem to not be completely reliable. I find that if I create a view off the mat view, and then use the view for reference, things seem to work better.

I did have to create a new field that included the road name, suffix, and municipality as the old system I am connecting to has multiple IDs for the same road name, as the road passes through multiple former municipalities (pre-amalgamation).

We have run into the issue of wanting to something similar to a lookup and extract other data type action. In this case we needed an intersect (find valve inside a grid), and then a generateID based on the resulting grid value.

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