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How to represent multi-tenant buildings using the LGIM Address dataset

11-08-2012 03:55 AM
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Occasional Contributor II
This may have already been asked but I cannot find a thread on it.  I was wondering if anyone out there has a workflow for representing multi-tenant buildings?  During an Addressing Project at my former employer, we created several points to represent each address.  This was due to the 3rd party vendor's Batch Automated Letter Notification app that helped us created letters to print and send out to residents to let them know that their address has been changed.  The application was pulling from the address point layer so there had to be one point for each address.  I did not like this approach because it clutter the map.  In the Address dataset, what is the standing procedure to represent these?  How is everyone else representing these in their local government?

Any suggestions are well appreciated.  Thank you,
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Esri Contributor
The ArcGIS for Local Government Address Editing map and underlying data structure in the local government information model assumes that each unique address is a point feature.
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