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Help Populating LGIM FEMAFloodZone Feature Class?

11-17-2016 06:53 AM
Occasional Contributor

We are in the process of migrating to the Local Government Information Model, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to populate the feature class FEMAFloodZone. I have downloaded the latest FEMA data that I could find (09/28/16), but don't see any one layer in the gdb that matches the schema LGIM wants. Does anyone have any tips on how to get the correct data into LGIM?

A few more specific questions include:

How is the field FLOODWAY intended to be filled?

The LGIM PANELTYPE field has a length of 5, but the most similar field I've found in my FEMA data is PANEL_TYP which has a length of 30. What is LGIM looking for?

What is a DFIRM quadrant?

Thank you

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5 Replies
MVP Regular Contributor

Look at their data dictionary: 

It looks like floodway is looking for FW or WW (Fair Weather or Wet Weather)

You can download sample data here: 

Flood Planning | ArcGIS for Emergency Management 

MVP Alum

I have not used the LGIM, but know from working with the Stormwater folks in updating our Floodplain and Floodway that the Floodway is based on a single flood scenario, so I doubt in LGIM that any codes in the Floodway field translate to "Fair Weather" or "Wet Weather" or any varying weather condition.

If I had to venture a guess, I suspect that the Floodway field exists in LGIM to help designate a Floodway polygon from the other types of flood polygons, while still allowing flexibility to show all the other data.  For example, in our FEMA data Floodway is a subtype found in "AE" flood polygons. In other words, only some "AE" polygons are Floodway, but all Floodway polygons are "AE" designation.

A "Regulatory Floodway" means the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than a designated height. Communities must regulate development in these floodways to ensure that there are no increases in upstream flood elevations. For streams and other watercourses where FEMA has provided Base Flood Elevations (BFEs), but no floodway has been designated, the community must review floodplain development on a case-by-case basis to ensure that increases in water surface elevations do not occur, or identify the need to adopt a floodway if adequate information is available.

Floodway | 

Chris Donohue, GISP

MVP Emeritus

While not specific to your flood information, this discussion,  and another one I linked within it might be helpful in your deployment of the LGIM.

That should just about do it....
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Emerging Contributor

Hi Ellen,

We just use the FEMA service. This way we don't have to maintain it. This link may help:

FEMA: Mapping Information Platform: NOPAGETAB_NFHLWMS 

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Occasional Contributor

It is good to know those services exist. Thank you!

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