Hi guys, hopefully you could give me some advice with this.
I'm working with a datset held in an access database. It is a selection of points that are linear referenced by mileage along their own respective line identifiers.
This data is apparently 'event loaded' into arcmap. What exactly is event loading? How do I event load data into arcmap?
The reason I am asking is that a lot of these nodes are failing to display in arcmap.
The table in arcmap for these nodes has a 'status' field and this reads 'failed' if the node is not displayed. This is making it difficult to edit this layer as I have to manually go into the attribute table and find the 'failed nodes' and then update with information from another node layer in arcmap which has the same mileage, rather than doing it visually would be a lot easier.
So my question is what is event loading and how do I get the 'failed nodes' to display and why are they failing?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.