Is it possible to add more image chips to existing output folder from arcgis.learn.export_training_data? I currently have over 3000 chips in the folder that I've used to train my Single Shot Detector model. Now I have created another 1000+ chips (using the export training data function) that I want to continue training my existing model.
I've also tried to create a new Single Shot Detector with the new 1000+ training samples and use the .load method to load my existing trained model but get the following error message.
What is the best way to training my existing model on the new training data? I'm having trouble finding resource information besides the API reference and the basic notebook examples.
There are samples on GitHub
arcgis-python-api/samples at master · Esri/arcgis-python-api · GitHub
and the api reference is here
API Reference for the ArcGIS API for Python — arcgis 1.8.0 documentation