Hey guys,
I have a line feature class(streams) that contain a field called "Watershed" in it. I also have the HUC 12 Watershed boundaries feature class in ArcMap. How do I auto populate the streams feature class field called "Watershed" by spatial referencing to the watershed they fall into with the HUC 12 feature class. Any suggestions? Thanks.....
The HUC 12s are a polygon feature.
You should be able to use the Spatial Join tool to accomplish this. Also see these resources for more information:
Ok...sounds great. However, I didn't want to create a new layer or feature. Just auto populate the field. The layer of streams is on my companies server and it is the base layer for everyone. I just didn't want to type in the watershed name for all the streams. Hope this helps. Thank you. Much appreciated.
Want to know which streams belong to a particular basin ..? Try the tool intersect. This should extract the attributes contained in each polygon.