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Graffiti removal tool in Sitescan

04-01-2024 05:38 PM
Status: Open
Occasional Contributor

It would be great if Sitescan had a graffiti removal tool.  Either for the source images, or for the final ortho and mesh.  Really it's just a blur tool or a mask tool kind of thing.  Right now, I have a specific area I fly repeatedly for the City I work for tracking a construction project.  But someone has painted something on the roof of their building, which of course is their right, but I don't really want that word in a City orthophoto that I'm putting out to the public.  So I go into the source images before I upload them and go through each image to find the ones that have it, and manually blur it out.  The problem is, sometimes I miss a few, and the offensive word sneaks into the ortho and mesh after all.  Then I have to go back to the source images, find the ones I miss, reupload and start over.  Losing hours of processing time.  It would help anytime you want or need to selectively not show certain features in an ortho and mesh.  Maybe it's not possible in the mesh.  But at least the ortho. 

Maybe even be something that you could process the ortho, and then if you see something you want to remove, yo click on that area of the image and it brings up all the images in that area that you could then go through one by one and highlight an area to exclude or mask on reprocessing.  That way it would also be excluded in both the reprocessed ortho and reprocessed mesh.