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Overview of the Site Scan – ArcGIS Connector v2.0

11-22-2023 07:32 AM
by Esri Contributor
Esri Contributor
4 2 846


You may be familiar with the Site Scan – ArcGIS Connector, a tool to publish data from Site Scan for ArcGIS to ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise with just a few clicks. This allows you to leverage your drone’s processed outputs in other GIS applications for further analysis and sharing. 

A beta version of the Connector became available over the last year which offers additional publishing capabilities. In addition to faster publishing times, there are two new data products you can publish:  

  • Tiled imagery layer for your processed orthomosaics, DSMs, and DTMs. 
  • Oriented Imagery Catalog (OIC) 

Tiled imagery layers

Tiled imagery is foundational to most raster analysis. With the option to publish the tiled imagery format directly into ArcGIS Online, you can conduct a fully cloud-based workflow from image capture to advanced image analysis and change detection using Esri’s deep learning technology. This blog highlights some of the benefits of using tiled imagery, which largely includes utilizing the source pixel values to gain additional insights and understanding from your imagery data. Esri offers pre-trained deep learning models in the ArcGIS Living Atlas for feature classification such as car and tree detection, or you can create your own deep learning model to suit your imagery analysis needs.

To further understand the differences between tile layers (sometimes referred to as tile cache layers), and tiled imagery layers, take a look at this blog. 

Note: publishing tiled imagery layers requires an ArcGIS Image for ArcGIS Online license extension.

Oriented Imagery Catalogs

Oriented imagery allows you to navigate through your site in an immersive 3D virtual environment. With the new option to publish Oriented Imagery Catalogs, you can create an oriented imagery web application in ArcGIS Online to perform detailed site inspections. When you publish an Oriented Imagery Catalog, several items will be created in your portal that are important for an oriented imagery application: 

  • Oriented Imagery Catalog 
  • Exposure Points feature layer 
  • Coverage Map tile layer 

Publishing Oriented Imagery Catalogs is currently only supported in ArcGIS Online and for processed missions. 

Publish your mesh alongside your Oriented Imagery Catalog to create a 3D immersive experience with your OIC web application.Publish your mesh alongside your Oriented Imagery Catalog to create a 3D immersive experience with your OIC web application.

Get started with the ArcGIS Connector v2.0

Enable the beta Connector by following these steps: 

  1. Log into Site Scan Manager. 
  2. Click on your organization icon in the lower left corner, then click User Settings > Features. 
  3. Enable ArcGIS Connector v2.0. 
  4. Navigate to a processed mission with data you want to publish. 
  5. In the bottom left panel, click the Share to ArcGIS option and follow the prompts. 

Note: Tiled imagery and Oriented Imagery Catalog publishing are currently only supported in ArcGIS Online. You can still use the beta Connector for ArcGIS Enterprise to enjoy faster publishing times for existing formats. There are additional configuration steps that you need to take before publishing to your ArcGIS Enterprise portal using the beta connector. Follow the ArcGIS Enterprise configuration steps for the beta Connector in the documentation.