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Hello, I just upgraded from ArcMap 10.7 to 10.7.1 to make use of the newer functionality in Euclidean Distance and Cost Path as Polyline to estimates shortest paths around barriers. The Euc. Dist. function runs and produces direction and distance rasters,

08-07-2020 03:26 PM
Emerging Contributor

Getting Euclidean Distance to produce Output Back Direction raster.

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9 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

I don't know about ArcMap, but those tools are available in the 'Legacy' toolset, however, they can be determined in the

Distance Allocation (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation 

where you can calculate a variety of output rasters which can be used in subsequent analysis



and it states

Prior to generating an optimal path, usually one of the following tools is used to create a distance accumulation raster and a back direction raster: Distance Accumulation or Distance Allocation. These are required inputs to generate an optimal path.

so you might want to check ArcMap help to see if these new methods of raster distance analysis was implemented in arcmap.

... sort of retired...
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Thanks for the Reply!

According to this posting:

Doing more with Euclidean Distance: Barriers and Paths 

this capability of calculating euclidean distances around barriers was implemented in ArcMap 10.7.1 but the instructions are only given for ArcPro (need 2.4.1). 

I looked through the documentation that you cited for Dist. Accum. and Dist. Allo. but cannot find "Prior to generating an optimal path..."

The original posting made this look like a 2 step process: Euclidean Dist and Cost Path as Polyline.

Is that not correct?

Are there more steps?

And, more importantly, if these a plain language description of Step 1, Step 2, etc.?

Thanks again,


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MVP Esteemed Contributor

mark zimmermann‌ I can only go by what the 2.6 Pro help says since I don't know if the whole new process is implemented in 10.7.1.

I appears on the surface, to be a 2 stage process ONLY if you need the accum and allo rasters for the polyline.  There wouldn't be any point in producing those rasters if you just wanted to implement a simple eucl distance

... sort of retired...
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Thanks Dan!

Yes, it appears to be just a 2 step process in ArcMap 10.7.1, the same as in ArcPro.

Step 1 ArcPro:

Step 1 in ArcMap:

ArcMap is producing the "Output distance raster" and "Output direction raster" but not producing the "Output back direction raster" which is needed for Step 2: the Coast Path As Polyline step. Please see below.

How do I get the "Output back direction raster"? -Mark

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Did you specify the outputs in arcmap? or just in Pro?

If you don't fill in the optional box, nothing is produced

I also see these really long output file names. 

  • Are they are esri grids going to a folder? (they won't work since there is a 13 character filename limit)
  • rasters going to a gdb?
  • Did you try specifying output rasters to a folder with the recommended *.tif file extension?

... sort of retired...
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Thanks for following up.

I am working in ArcMap 10.7.1 as I do not have ArcPro.

I am specifying the same folder location for the Output back direction raster as for the other raster (output distance and output direction). I am aware of the raster naming convention and keeping the name short enough.

Nothing is going into a .gdb nor do any files originate from a .gdb

I just tried adding the .tif extension to that raster output and that also does not work.

If I run Euclidean Back Direction as a separate process, to perhaps isolate the problem, then I get an error 000816.

Here are the details on ERROR 000816:

Do these extra details provide any clues?



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MVP Esteemed Contributor

I don't use arcmap anymore, sorry

... sort of retired...
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Emerging Contributor

Ok, thanks,

Should I just start another thread in hopes of getting some ArcMap help?


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by Anonymous User
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HI Mark

The workflow described in the 'Doing more...' blog is the same in arcmap as in pro. Specifically, you can use the euclidean toolset with Cost PAth As Polyline in arcmap, as described in the blog article.

The 'tool is not valid' message is not good. Please first try uninstalling and re-installing arcmap and making sure that it is licensed for spatial analyst.

Next make sure that you have full permissions to the directory you are trying to write to. Also, please try sending your output to a file geodatabase instead of a grid or tif and let me know what happens.


-Jim TenBrink

spatial analyst team

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