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Elevation layers display with 3D attributes in ArcGIS Pro Scene but not Scene Viewer.

10-09-2023 11:36 PM
Labels (2)
New Contributor III


I can't get my 3D Scene (created in ArcGIS Pro) to display in 3D in the Scene Viewer. I'm using a the 'Gebco Tiled Elevation' and 'TopoBathy 3D' layers as Ground elevation layers  then draping my custom high resolution elevation and reference layers on top.

Here's how the scene displays in ArcGIS Pro (image #1):

#1 ArcGIS Elevated Terrain.png

Here's how the same Scene dataset (which works in ArcGIS Pro) displays in Scene Viewer: (image #2):

#2 Scene Viewer Non-Elevated Terrain.png


The screenshot below shows how Scene Viewer displays when I changed the base Ground elevation layer from 'Gebco Tiled Elevation' to 'GEBCO 2021 Global TopoBathy Elevation at 3.5x Vertical Exaggeration': 
~ Why does my custom elevation layer sit up on top an extruded platau instead draping over top of the Gebco TopoBathy 3.5 Exaggeration elevation layer?
~ Why does Scene Viewer honor the exaggerated elevation attributes shown in the Gebco TopoBathy Exaggeration elevation layer but the elevation attributes are ingored in all other types of elevation layers? (including the Ersi hosted Gebco Tiled Elevation and TopoBathy 3D for example)? (image #3)

#3 Scene Viewer Non-Elevated Terrain Gebco 3.5 exaggerated.png

Seeing if there was an issue with hosted Ground elevation layers in Scene Viewer, I went to the Gebco site and downloaded gridded bathymetry data in GeoTiFF and Esri ASCII formats. I created base elevation layers using the downloaded Gebco gridded datasets and went through these steps to test a custom base Ground elevation Gebco layer:
1. Imported Gebco custom elevation layer (as Ersi Grid format) into ArcGIS Pro local scene -> Ground elevation group. (matching CRS with ArcGIS Pro local scene CRS).
2. Replaced hosted Gebco elevation layer (Gebco Tile Elevation) with custom Gebco elevation layer.
3. Inspected Scene, confirmed Elevation is applied to custom Gebco elevation layer and Scene displays as expected.
4. Created Tile Cache using the 'Manage Tile Cache' Geoproceesing tool.
- Selected 'Elevation Tiling Scheme' from Input Tiling Scheme dropdownoption.
- Scaled tile cache from Level 7 - Level 20.
5. Created Tile Package (tpkx) using the 'Export Tile Package' Geoprocessing tool.
6. Created Web Elevation Level in ArcGIS Online using the 'Share Package' Geoprocessing tool.
7. Selected Web Elevation layer in ArcGIS the selected 'View in Scene Viewer'
8. Loaded custom Gebco Web Elevation into the Scene Viewer -> Ground Elevation group (and removed default elevation Terrain 3D layer)
9. Loaded custom high-resolution bathymetry layers into Scene viewer from my ArcGIS Online account.

Results: The Scene compiled using all custom elevation layers displays without the base elevation attibutes applied to the 3D base elevation layers in Scene Viewer. There's no difference in how the Scene displays whether the base elevation layers used is a hosted Ersi elevation service, or a custom elevation layer created from scratch using Gebco gridded data that was downloaded from Gebco.


I searched Living Atlas and the ArcGIS Online site for Scenes that others have developed which feature 3D bathymetry or 3D terrain features. I found the Scenes below which seem to display elevated bathymetry or elevated terrain features.
~ How are these Scenes able to display extruded 3D bathymetry and terrain, whereas I cannot??


Challenge Accepted - Challenger Deep Diorama Scene: (image #4)

#4 Deep Challanger 3D bathyetry.png


Mountain Biking in Bavaria Scene: (image #5)




Landslide Scene: (image #6)



The Gebco 3.5x, 5x and 10x display exaggerated 3D bathymetry and terrain layers in Scene Viewer. However, my elevation and reference layers cannot be draped over the Gebco exaggerated elevation layer without an extrude plateau being generated. 

What am doing wrong that's preventing my perfectly functional 3D ArcGIS Pro Scene from displaying in 3D once loaded into Scene Viewer? 


I've been trying to get this issue resolved for almost a year now, including having an Esri Support case open since mid-July '23 with no resolution or workarounds offered to date. 


Thanks in advance for any guidance, it would be greatly appreciated. 




4 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi Matt @SonarBATStructureMAPS 

Do I understand it correctly that the layers which give unexpected results in Scene Viewer are all exaggerated? Or do also the not-exaggerated layers show up differently when viewed on the web? 

0 Kudos
New Contributor III


Yes, my Bathymetry elevation layers are created from 3D data, so they would have to have some sort of exaggeration applied to render as an accurate 3D model of the seafloor. Otherwise, they would be flat, which is what's happening in Scene Viewer. 
Go to Living Atlas or ArcGIS Online and search for 'Gebco Tiled Elevation', then 'TopoBathy 3D' and then 'Gebco 2022 3.5x'. View these Gebco elevation layers in ArcGIS Pro, take note of how they display in terms of their 3D exaggerated attributes. Then load these elevation layers into Scene Viewer. 
You'll see that 'Gebco Tiled Elevation', then 'TopoBathy 3D' appear almost flat when displaying in Scene Viewer. GEBCO 2022 Global TopoBathy Elevation at 3.5x Vertical Exaggeration displays as expected with appropriate exaggeration applied in Scene Viewer. Of course my elevation layers are flat when viewed in Scene viewer, or display as an extruded plateau when positioned on top of the Gebco 2022 3.5x elevation layer. 
As referenced in my original post, my elevation layers display in 3D (as expected) when viewed in ArcGIS Pro. I just tested them in ArcGIS Earth Desktop, and they all display as expected with the appropriate 3D attributes there as well. Only the Scene Viewer doesn't display my 3D elevation layers in 3D. However, I see all these other Scenes that I found on Living Atlas and ArcGIS Online that feature towering mountainous terrain and steeply sloping bathymetric features that display in 3D, so what are they doing that I'm not?? 
0 Kudos
Esri Contributor

Hi again,

Thanks for letting me know about your support case. With this information, we can suggest an appropriate workflow for your specific case. 

For anyone else following this Community post, please note that vertical exaggeration is not yet supported and prioritized in our backlog. However, you can achieve a similar visualization on the web by following this knowledge base article as a workaround:


New Contributor III

Thank you for the response Grete. I will review the suggested workaround and report back with the results. 

