How to correct from or to-dates in routes?

05-24-2024 08:03 AM
Occasional Contributor

Hello, RHUG community.

How to correct from or to-dates in routes? For example, we realigned a route with from-date of 8/2/2023. Later on, we were told that the actual realigned date was 6/2/2023. ArcGIS Pro does not allow me to edit the from-date. What should we do to correct this? We need to fix the from-date of the new time slice and to-date of the old time slice. What is the correct way to fix this route?

NOTE: We are using the line network (not sure if this makes any difference or not).

Thank you.


Masao Matsuoka
2 Replies
Regular Contributor

Can you add a temporary route corouted with 8/2/2023 (old habit, might not be needed with delete routes). Then delete the bad time slices routes and load the correct time slices. Then delete the temporary route, if used. You might be able to keep the events on the delete route. Then maybe change the event From/To Dates. If not, than export the event data, modify the table and append events. A few ways I would try.

Would be interesting to see what workflow/s esri would recommend to handle date issues in Pro. 

Occasional Contributor

Thanks for your suggestion. I will try.

Masao Matsuoka