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Has any one figured a way to get the dominate route by using the Geometry To measure lre rest tool?

08-26-2019 11:07 AM
Emerging Contributor

We are trying to build an application that will give the route id when some one clicks on a route.

Currently when using the geometry to measures route event, it will return all routes in an area dominate and sub.

Any one know a way to mark, or get the dom route from the request.

5 Replies
MVP Alum

There was some discussion about a process to get the dominant route from the concurrency in this post a while ago: 

That's not how to do it using the geometry to measure LRE Rest tool, but maybe it could be incorporated as part of the solution?  

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Emerging Contributor

Thanks for the info. I will look into it.

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Esri Contributor

Hello Dustin

Good question. I suspect you've either built your own Geometry to Measure widget or you are using a derivative of our Github sample. If your LRS network has overlapping route geometries and you've configured ALRS network concurrency rules then you'll need to reference the Network Layer Concurrencies operation in our REST API.



Emerging Contributor

That is correct. We have one built using the fetch api. I will look into your suggestion and see what comes.


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New Contributor

Hi Dustin.  Due to the flexibility of in defining route dominance in R&H, it is very difficult to identify this on the fly.  I've built some tools that essentially create a cached set of data that reflects the state of route dominance for the LRS for a snapshot in time.  My apps generally use this to quickly query the state of dominance for a given route location.  If you want to talk about how I did this, let me know and we can talk.

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