We recently upgraded a test environment to Enterprise 11.3 to test the new Experience Builder widgets. Have any other states or agencies done much testing with the new widgets? It seems like there are missing features. Here are a few that we have found so far:
1. Date Filtering button to easily apply a single date filter across all of our network / event data layers. There are date sliders and a filter option but I haven't been able to find a way to apply a single filter input and have it filter across all of the layers like Event Editor does.
2. The data grid editing doesn't seem to be R&H aware. Meaning that there is no way to make an attribute edit and 'apply' it on a date and have the system retire the old vintage of a record and insert a new vintage of a record. The Event Editor data grid has a 'save' button which pops up a box which asks the user if they want to apply the edits on a date and to retire the old records. This appears to be missing from Experience Builder and from ArcGIS Pro event editing.
There are some other more minor quality of life things that we've noticed but the 2 above are major problems in our workflow.