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Roads and Highways Enhancement Idea List

12-12-2018 02:40 PM
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Roads and Highways Enhancement Idea List

Enhancement or Issue DescriptionESRI Ideas LinkInitial NotesNotesLevel of EffortApplication*Completed
Support for Alpha and related routesSupport Alpha/Fish Route in Roads and Highways 10/26/16 Will: A single route with a gap is another viable workaround (in addition to spliting into two routes) for fish routes. R&H current supports Lollipop routes. Fish routes require significant development effort to accomodate the various R&H logic, processes. FHWA has indicated that gaps along routes are not acceptable for HPMS.

Some DOT's reporting event measure issues using the single route workaround. Will is willing to follow up on these issues and believes R&H should support.

There is currently an overarching issue including various types of routes: Alpha, Loop, Branch, Fish, Lollipop, etc. / NC - R&H does not support fish routes. ADOT currently limits bifurcations in it's route system. It would be interested in native support from Roads and Highways as it would allow some "real world" route geometries to be modeled.
June 2017: Requires code level support in in all tiers of the software: Route editing, calibration, event editing, Product Team work is underway and targeted for 10.6 release.

RHUG: Top Priority among High LOE for next release. Should also be supported at 10.5 (at least) through patch. Needed to meet FHWA HPMS requirements and support Agile integration.
Very HighArcMap
Better query capabilities are needed. In Select by Attributes the options are limited. i.e. Query a route where the FC is a certain value.

Ability to run, save, load queries in Roads & Hwys - RCE 

NC: Advanced query capability needs to be native to the application, not per Esri's current design.June 2017: Esri understands this enhancement to involve the ability to query multiple fields across multiple event tables.RHUG: OH, NC, WV, NM, MN all cite as a high priorityMediumRCE
R&H Create Route tool - add a warning when creating physical gaps

related idea:

R&H - Concurrent Route Event omission from from Gap checks 

10/26/16- Will: Low effort to check for this ahead of save. This enhancement is for routes as opposed to events. The 10.5 Data Reviewer functionality works on R&H events not routes.July 2017: Esri is targeting for 10.6LowArcMap
Ability to change symbology in RCE10/26/16 - Will: This is a medium level of effort. Possible in existing environment.

ADOT - This is a must for ability for users to really be able to make informed decisions. No matter how much effort is put into trying to set layer symbology to appropriate needs prior to RCE map use since RCE is main editing environment (not just for display) it is incredibly limiting.
Enhancements to add ArcGIS Professional capabilities to the web based editing in RCE detract from the effort for building an ArcGIS Professional Desktop experience to edit events.

June 2017: Symbology changes may be made to web map directly from Event Edtior in 10.6. Updates may be made for point, line. polygon layers

RHUG: Understand the benefit of focusing on ArcGIS Pro here. Will likely lower priority for current RCE environment.
Don't reset the page on Data Grid back to 1 after saving changes (keep it on whatever page it was on)NC: Assumed that issue is referencing editing through the event attribute table.June 2017: Esri is targeting for 10.6.?RCE
Route Locking - Automate lock release upon delete version operation

ADOT - If version which holds lock is deleted the lock is now useless. Auto clean up.June 2017: Product Team work underway and targeted for 10.6.LowArcMap
When domains are populated with a numeric value and have an associated text definition, we would like to see the definition when querying. Currently, the definition appears in the attribute table, but the numeric value appears when performing a select by attribute sql query. There is no way to determine the definition associated with each number.ODOT questions if this is an issue with how the domains were set up. ADOT - The concept of domain values is to normalize and simplify data input. It is very counterintuitive to ask the user to have full knowledge "memory" of all domain values in their system.June 2017: Esri Product Team would like to clarify the issue and where it is happening. Arizona indicated they would provide screenshots of the issue.LowArcMap/RCE
Make the table/grid undockable for a two screen experienceJune 2017: Esri is working to expand RCE browser to cover multiple screens creating more "real estate" for the application.HighRCE
Add definition query ability in RCEJune 2017: Esri is looking at this enhancement for 10.6MediumRCE
Support for making edits on a route in non sequential order (i.e. perform an edit on a route effective November then later on perform an edit on the same route effective May)ADOT - this limitation of Roads and Highways essentially removes much of the temporal abilities of the product. It is not realistic to expect that all editing of events/LRS can be done in perfect chronological order nor is it realistic to expect the user of the system to wade through time to ensure proper integration of data out of sequence.

Add more flexibility with editing the effective date of a route in case it doesn’t work with another system/user (i.e. we make a change on a given date, someone else who uses the network needs the date changed earlier or later than we have it input). Provide the capability to change the date forward or backward without retiring and redoing the entire edit or reloading data
RHUG: Workflow/business process changes have been used to address this in implementing states but a fix remains an important priorityHighArcMap
GP Tool to establish a new event layer on the R&H ALRSRegister Event Feature class GP Tool This would allow event layers to be created through scripts.Kansas DOTArcGIS
Integration with vendor neutral street level imagery (eg. Google StreetView, Cyclomedia)Many DOTs are licensed for and have access to commercial street-level imagery (like Google Street View, Cyclomedia and others). RCE should provide easy integration capabilities to allow for users to update the config file to enable and view interactive street-level imagery that connects to RCE.
Below are a few of the functions we are interested in:
• As routes are queried/identified, this communicates changes of RCE location to imagery viewer, allowing it to update its imagery/perspective.
• Functionality that communicates changes of RCE location to imagery viewer, allowing it to update the imagery/perspective.
• Provide functionality to overlay a semi-transparent view cone to indicate imagery viewer direction.
District of ColumbiaRCE
"Cover" event behavior10/26/16- Idaho DOT highlighted this issue as having a large impact on event QA/QC processes. Existing workarounds do not work for external events and there was general consensus that adding the "cover" behavior would be a be time saver for managing continuous events.

Several DOTADOT - this "cover" behavior should closely mimic the behavior already in place for cartographic realignments. MN: What is your definition of "cover"? NC: Move behavior can leave little gaps when it's supposed to be full coverage- Cover would ensure full coverage of the event after the edit.
June 2017: As planned, "Cover" behavior would apply Realign and Extend route edits. Realign stretchs or compresses events on the realigned portion propotionally. Extend from beginning would use the event at the start measure to cover. Extend from the end would use the event from the end meaure to cover. Behaavoir will honor concurrency rules. Product Team work is underway and targeted for 10.6 release.HighArcMapImplemented at Version 10.6 or 10.6.1
Establish a Roads and Highway"Locate Features Along Routes" tool that respects established ALRS route dominance rules.R&H - Concurrent Route Event omission from from Gap checks Added by NYSDOT: Establish a Roads and Highway"Locate Features Along Routes" tool that respects established route dominance rules.New YorkArcGIS Toolbox
Create an “Undo” if data is entered incorrectly (undo for all work since last save).10/26/16 Will: Not supportable in current environment; planned for ArcGIS Pro (including new architecture for ArcGIS web services) using new "branch" versioning capabilities.

Requesting undo for all work since last save, not simply an undo of the last action.
Requires migration to ArcGIS Pro architecture.

RHUG: Most likely need to defer for ArcGIS Pro. Move down in priority.
Ability to edit event data within desktop10/26/16- Will: This is a fairly major effort to implement in ArcMap. Planned for ArcGIS Pro but following network maintenance.

ODOT staff believes this refers to increased editing capabilities in ArcMap. ODOT vendor has advised staff not to do this but ODOT staff believes this is sometimes necessary and certainly easier. ADOT - The limitations imposed within the RCE severely limit the productivity of the Roads and Highways platform. Allowing for desktop editing would take away many of these limitations. NC: May be restricted by state security.
RHUG: Not the highest priority right now. Group will probably defer to ArcGIS Pro.HighArcMap
Prevent user from accidentally editing network or event layer instead of centerlinePrevent user from accidentally editing network or event layer instead of centerline MnDOT - Trying to avoid accidental network updates.
This can be an ongoing issue when there is a large group of network editors.
NC: Mitigated at NCDOT by making event layer not editable and data reviewer checks. Follow up with Kevin with our approach to avoiding this issue.
RHUG: Nice to have but not the highest priority.HighArcMap
Ability to choose multiple centerlines at once for editingAbility to choose multiple centerlines at once for editing ODOT: This includes moving multiple coincident vertices. ADOT - This is a tricky one but could be done if ESRI used some of the logic in old route builder geoprocessing tool. NY: Allow user to select centerlines more easily. Centerlines should be able to be selected regardless of measure order and set direction of route as it is built.RHUG: Would be nice to have but not the biggest impact for a large number of DOTs. Lower priority for current environment.MediumArcMap
Prevent editors from saving if route measure anomalies exist.ODOT staff agrees that this would prevent induced errors. ADOT - At least give warning.
MnDOT - Data Reviewer is a good tool to effectively address.
RHUG: Need more details to understand what the conditions and expectations are for this issue. Priority: TBD?ArcMap
When editing existing events the RCE interface should warn the editor if they are about to create LRS overlaps within the data. This could be integrated as an event specific test managed by the user (check box on form like the "prevent measures not on route" option. This would allow the user the functionality to block overlapping events when wanted.RHUG: Is new Data Reviewer functionality the fix?MediumRCE
Add JSON as an output option for the Export Network web service.This would allow users of this service to no longer use the FGDB API. This API has been the source of most of the issues AgileAssets has had with implementing and updating an interface between Roads and Highways and our asset management system. The benefit of this to the DOTs is a quicker and less troublesome update of the AgileAssets/R&H Interface for each new release of Roads and Highways. This affects at least the following DOTs: Alaska, Georgia, Indiana, New York, North Carolina, & West Virginia. Phil from AgileAssets logged ENH-000097436 as an enhancement request with Esri.RHUG:Medium
Spatially derive event values based on polygon layers, etc. in RCEMediumRCE
Ability to hide columns in attribute grid in RCEAbility to hide columns in attribute grid in RCE High Priority for OHMediumRCE
Ability to digitize a centerline and create a new route in a single workflow in Roads & Hwys DesktopAbility to digitize a centerline and create a new route in a single workflow in Roads & Hwys Des... RHUG: Would be nice to have…but not highest priorityMediumArcMap
When using Re-assign Route and you enter the Route ID and click on “Use Whole Route” then enter the New Route ID sometimes it say the Route cannot be found. But if you un-check and then re-check the Use Whole Route it will then find the route.Not sure what this is.?ArcMap
Add Event Widget to Include Options for RetireMediumRCE
Ability to lock fields.Details: Keep certain fields in view at all times as you scroll across a data layer. Access and dBase will allow you to “lock” certain fields to the left as you move across. Similar to the “freezing” the top row/rows in Excel.High Priority for OHMediumRCE
On the Split Line events you should be able to add additional lines of data. Currently you can only make one break and then you have to re-initialize the Split Line events to make a second break.MediumRCE
Range domains are not validated when entering data. Esri solution to use data reviewer; original requirement to handle validation in the model via a range domain. Esri software does not support range domain validation.

Range Domain Validation 

Enforce range domains 

Range domains are supported by the current released version.
Range Domain Validation to DataReviewer team.
Automatically set the width on columns in the table so text doesn't wrap

related, but slightly different:

Increase length and width of Add Linear Events/Attribute's widget table, RCE 

And/or control individual columns (need to be able to use this like Excel).MediumRCE
Double click a date field to automatically populate today's date (like in ArcMap)Automatically populate today's date when creating a new route. LowRCE
Recalibrate Route Downstream checkbox becomes configurable to be checked/unchecked by defaultRecalibrate Route Downstream checkbox Currently is checked (on).LowArcMap
Confirmation message upon save and rec/post in RCEADOT - Feedback is much better than ambiguityLowRCE
Ability to view scrolling measures along route on hover in Roads & Hwys DesktopDynamic readout. MN: Would like this in R&H too.Medium/LowArcMap
Line events not retiring properlyNot sure what this is.?RCE
Add ability to utilize Route Dominance to move current events on non dominant routes to dominant routes where occurs.Useful. Unsure of overall priorityMediumArcMap
Add ability for quick event behavior access/adjustments to be made. Currently opening each event's behavior window is not time efficient (over 90 event tables). Add option for change in matrix form like snapping window.Medium/HighArcMap
When a route ID is entered in ”Find Route” and then you go to “Line Events” the route ID should appear. You should not have to re-enter the route ID again.LowRCE
Select by Attributes Tool (Query Across Multiple Events)MediumRCE
Merge coincident events changing temporality of eventsNot sure what this is.?RCE
Physical Gap Routes - Support Driven Distance mileageNY: or at least entered mileageMediumArcMap
Use of GP tools to Post SDE data outside ArcMap or RCE fails to release locksSeparate GP tool to release locks?LowArcMap
Add the capability to generate an Edit Audit Trail. This would be a report that users could get that lists when an edit was made, who made it, what the edit was, and what were the specifics of this edit (routes, measures, etc.).The need for this has come up a good bit with users doing testing as they are trying to correlate the event results with what they remember of the edits. Phil (from AgileAssets) logged this as Case #01817538 with Esri.Medium
Need to ensure that Event GUIDs are unique. Many of the Roads and Highways tools expects uniqueness.Not sure what this is.?RCE/ArcMap
Rectangle button shutting off and leaving users just panning on map: Transcend acknowledged that this doesn’t behave in the desired manner, and that the tool becomes inactive often. They are documenting the steps to replicate the issue and are sending it to Esri as a defect. As a workaround, specific steps (such as visually verifying that the button is selected) can be used to perform the needed actions.Not sure what this is.?RCE
Fix Redlining behaviors, or determine best practiceThere are two options to configure RCE for redlining according to ESRI (
“To enable web redlining of routes using the Roadway Characteristics Editor (RCE), you should author a web map using ArcMap and include a redline feature class. You can achieve this in one of the following ways:
• Include the redline layer in the same map service along with your routes and event layers.
• Create a separate map service for the redline.
The advantage of publishing a separate map service for the reline layer is that the feature access will only be exposed for the redline layer, not for other layers such as network and event layers. You can make the decision based on your security practices.”
Notice the underlined statement by ESRI. It points out the advantage of the second approach. If we rephrase the statement to point out the issue with the first approach, it goes like this: Publishing redline layer in the same map service for network and events exposes editing feature access to network layer, redline layer, as well as event layers. In a typical configuration, users who are authorized to do redlining has the possibility of changing network and any events in the Roads and Highways database without explicit authorization, permission or through LRS business logic. In other words, it opens door for unexpected data loss and data corruption.
I think ESRI is fully aware of this security issue in RCE redline configuration.
The trouble is that the first approach is a very poor security practice. Even it gives capability of adding events to redline without turning redlines to routes (
DOT’s should be aware that 1) approach one is not an acceptable option because of the potential of data loss and data corruption. 2) Redlining workflow resulted from approach 2 may not be effective enough for many to do redline and maintain its event attributes by the same user who does not manage the network.
In the grid or in split line events you should be able to code data even if it did not exist before.Adding events in grid.Low/MediumRCE
File and attachment support in RCENC: Need more information as to what the implementation would be.Need more details to understand what the conditions and expectations are for this one.?RCE
Ability to run, save, load queries in Roads & HwysLow/MediumRCE
R&H Tools: Create Route GUI - Auto pop. Route nameNeed more details to understand what the conditions and expectations are for this one.?ArcMap
Snapping Functionality for DGN and DWG layersRCE
Linear Event Editing- Must enter exact station of the end of the route to attribute to the end of the routeRCE
Make Certain Functions Always Visible in RCERCE
The Merge Coincedent event setting does not always work.RCE
Add Route/Referent offset geocoder.RCE/ArcMap
Add ability to replace route geometry while still invoking event behavior rules and/or new currently missing event cover behaviorArcMap
Be able to edit fields in a point data attribute setsRCE
Keep SQL query in Select by Attributes populated when changing the layer if the field exists in both the new and old layerRCE
Ability for alias names configured in MXD to be viewable while building query in Roads & Hwys - RCERCE
When using “Find Route” the route is highlighted but when you close the attribute box the highlight disappears. The highlight should be able to be toggled on and off.RCE
Clip routes/events based on polygon layers for mileage reporting in Roadway ReporterRoadway Reporter
RCE's editing tab currently opens with the default attribute set. It would prevent many user errors if this defaulted to nothing and the user had to choose which attribute set they want to edit.RCE
Can't view a range of two dates (view historical data)RCE
Editing Linear Events with Stationing- select beginning of route as referenceRCE
Grid field width does not maintain it's size when there's a change.RCE
Selectable on/off parcel boundary layerRCE
Append Events GP tool shows target event errorArcMap
Line event attribute values changing to nullRCE
Linear event widget does not provide for a remove conversion actionRCE
RCE Invalid Retire Records Created for EventsRCE
Request to make the RCE base map widget configurableRCE
Add ability to clean up timeslices of routes/events that are benign.ArcMap
The situation is in a R&H geodatabase all the tables or feature classes or other objects are stored at the root level while in a generic geodatabase datasets can be created to group objects. As a R&H geodatabase is getting more widely used and keeps growing, there could be hundreds of objects in it. When looking for a specific table in the geodatabase, for example, it may take the editor minutes to scroll down and get it. So the request for Esri is can R&H be configured to support the usage of dataset?
The measure tool as a whole is very clumsy and frustrating to use.This is the core measure tool. Esri advised OH to log a support ticket.ArcMap
Expand the attribute grid in Add Linear Events (get rid of the white space below the grid)RCE
When in Select by attributes sometimes you cannot arrow over within the select box to change the typed data. Instead of moving through the text it actually “pans” the map.RCE
Web App Builder widgets for Search, Query with dynamic segmentation, and Convert MeasuresAll
Ability to turn off base maps in RCE.ODOT questions if this is a configuration setting. ADOT - Our experience is once turned on cannot turn off.RCE
Add an autocomplete where we type in the name and get a list of possible matches to the Advanced Find Route tool in RCE. This would then mirror the functionality found in R&H in ArcGIS desktop.RCE
Update the Remove Centerline Geometry Duplication tool to maintain attributionArcMap
Metric Value ConverstionRCE
Create an “Undo” if data is entered incorrectly (undo for only the last single transaction).RCE
Ability to prevent editing certain Route systems by user without having to create a separate LRS.ArcMap
Time-enabled eyedropper in RCERCE
Recalculate events based on referents being changedArcMap
Adding imagery from local drive to RCEADOT - Unsure if this is a product limitation or can be accomodated already.RCE
Use “Add Data” to add two or more DGN and DWG files to RCE and see these listed in the Layers panel.RCE
RCE - Add CAD Data FunctionalityRCE
DGN Rendering Engine for RCERCE
RCE measure tool not converting correctlyRCE
Select Routes in Make Road Char Layer Widget (duplicate rte issue)RCE
RCE eyedropper tool copies populated event data only Roads and Highways - Roadway Characteristic Editor, when using the eyedropper tool to copy attributes from one record to another in RCE, it would be useful if there was a toggle switch to let the user either copy all attribute values or only the ones that are populated. The way the tool functions now is that records will be created with null values where there are nulls in the existing record. The toggle should cause the software to realize the attribute was null and not present the attributes in the first place on the copies record. Otherwise, the user has to uncheck all the blank options so as not to create null records. This is in 10.2.2 patch 1.RCE
R&H Tools - All - Recalibrate Route DownstreamArcMap
Add NC OneMap Statewide Latest Imagery to Banner's Base map WidgetRCE
R&H Tools - Multi-field Route ID Input dialog - Reorder dropdown valuesArcMap
Linear Event Editing- Selecting Route to edit on bidirectional routesRCE
R&H Tools - Multi-field Route ID Input dialog - Allow shortcut key for searching Maintenance County CodeArcMap
Markup Manager Tool in RCE- Zoom to Markup optionArcMap
RCE Markup Manager- Saved Map Markups Tables do not Automatically RefreshRCE
RCE Markup Manager - Add Title to Delete and Load Markup WindowsRCE
RCE Markup Manager - Additional filter to loading markupsRCE
RCE Markup Manager - Grey Out "Delete Saved Markup" optionRCE
RCE Markup Manager - Ability to edit graphical elementsRCE
Markup Manager Tool - Ability to place a markup pin based on a Latitude/Longitude coordinateRCE
Linear Event Widget Jumps AroundRCE
add bookmark function in RCE Roads & Highways Server - Roadway Characteristics Editor (RCE), add ability for users to create, save, and do basic management of spatial bookmarks within the web interface. This will allow event editor to create bookmarks for reference when working in multiple regions of a network.from ideas pageRCE
Concurrent Route Event omission from from Gap checks has many On-System Concurrent Routes. Managing events on those routes are difficult.

As QC for events on ALL routes the "Check Events on Route" tool is used to check for gaps, overlaps and invalid measures and returned to employees as a work flow. Focusing on gaps with this idea I would like to have the ability for the RCE to remove gaps returned due to events being on the subordinate route.

The following shows ALDOT's State Route system checked for gaps for one event, F_System (Highway Functional Classification). This returned 446 gaps. A CSV is created from the results and put into workflow. The issue is that a very low percent of these are actual gaps on the dominate route. The editor must investigate each gap though to ensure it is on a subordinate route. It is very time comsuming and costly in man hours. It is counterproductive and erodes efficiency
Offset measures w/split tool the Roadway Characteristics Editor (RCE) the ability to use offset measures with the split tool. This would be used a lot in our local jurisdictions and with construction plans. Also, a related enhancement would be to split all the events in a specified attribute set with similar eventsRCE
Increase length and width of Add Linear Events/Attribute's widget table, RCE Characteristic Editor (RCE), when dealing with the Add Linear Events/Attribute's widget. It would be great to not only make this Wider but also Longer? I ask this, because when using the scroll bar as I am going down the list to enter data in the fields it will try and jump back up to the top. This gets to be a problem at times, slowing the rate of getting data fixed or entered into RCE.RCE
Labels (1)

this list is from the old RHUG site google sheet, it would be good to enter each of these to an individual geonet "idea" and retire this list.

Frequent Contributor

That is a good idea. I was thinking folks could break out each idea as a separate discussion and folks can discuss the need/uses as a way to get to the requirement/s to help drive development to get the most bang for the buck the first time.

Emerging Contributor

Thanks to Kyle for moving the list over and like the idea of retiring the list. Yueming@WVDOT

From version 1 to version 2 I deleted the row with the KDOT enhancement request about XML importing and exporting.  XML for transfer works fine.  Modeling event behaviors and LRS events in XML using Sparx EA (the real goal for the enhancement) could be worked around by populating the LRS Event behavior table post import any number of ways.

Version history
Last update:
‎12-12-2018 02:40 PM
Updated by: