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Wetland Determination Survey 123 form

11-28-2018 01:38 PM
Frequent Contributor

Has any DOTs implemented Collector/Survey 123 for their wetland delineations and wetland determination forms? Nebraska DOT has a pilot project under way to convert the wetland determination form into Survey 123 application. We have almost completed it but having a few issues regarding dominance test for vegetation along with a few issues regarding the report template. We are willing to share our insights so far and interested to see what other DOTs are doing. 

39 Replies
Regular Contributor

Hello all,

Can anyone tell me if there is a shareable Microsoft Word file report template for the USACE Wetland Form?  We are having formatting issues on the one my team is creating and would like to reference it.  Thanks

Frequent Contributor

@icf_Eric_Link, I haven't been able to prepare a complete draft of the Feature Report template yet, unfortunately, and I haven't heard of any others in the community having completed one.

My current draft of the template, which is about halfway complete, is attached.  Let me know if your team is able to complete a full working template.

Obviously, until there's a complete feature report template, tabular (XLS) or feature geodatabase (for inclusion of photos) deliverable products will have to suffice...

Kindest Regards,

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Regular Contributor

Thanks so much for your response, Thomas.  It appears that we are about as far as you have gotten.  🙂  We do anticipate having this complete in the next week or so.  Once we have a good complete version I'll share it here via this post.  Thanks again!

Frequent Contributor

@icf_Eric_Link, have you had any luck completing a draft of the Feature Report template?

Kindest Regards,

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New Contributor

@ThomasHamill, were you ever able to complete a universal form. Most of my work is within the Eastern Piedmont Region. Thanks for all the hard work!

Frequent Contributor

@WNelson761, unfortunately, no, and I'm in a different role now, but this wouldn't be too much of a lift for Esri and the user community to develop since most of the heavy lifting is already complete with the AGCP PDF having been transposed as a Survey123 XLSForm—this AGCP version would just need to be used as a template/starting point, adapted and adjusted to include either the National Wetland Plant List species (to make more of a universal "all-region" WDDF) or just the subset of species that are specific to the Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region (to make one for just that region).  The External Choice Lists are where I stored these species for the AGCP XLSForm.

Esri should really consider taking on this as a formal product or at least as a formal template within Survey123 Connect because at least two competitors (ecobot and Wildnote) have taken the market share on the mobile data collection for these USACE Wetland Determinations.

@LittleMissEsri@GinaO_Neil @Jennie @FinnSwann @Ismael @IsmaelChivite 

Kindest Regards,

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New Contributor

@ThomasHamill @WNelson761 @icf_Eric_Link @LittleMissEsri 

I just came across this thread and wanted to share some great news. Our company, Wildnote, which already supports all 10 USACE Regional forms as well as many other types of aquatic resources forms, stream forms and biological forms, has just integrated with ESRI. We have an excellent reporting framework, as well as photo management so users can take advantage of the best of both worlds without having to recreate the wheel. I just wanted to pipe in since you mentioned us in your last post @ThomasHamill . Feel free to contact me if you want to learn more. I'm in charge of customer success and training. Cheers! Nancy Douglas

Esri Contributor

@icf_Eric_Link Will you be attending the Esri UC? I've brought this up to a handful of colleagues and we're interested in speaking with users about this more.

New Contributor

Hi Sunny! Looking forward to demoning what we have so far to you after the user conference. I wish we could be there this year! Enjoy yourself! -Nancy Douglas

Occasional Contributor

hello all!  Checking back in on this wetland form megathread after several recent revisions. I've been revising and maintaining a working version of the USACE form over the years, which specifically meet my needs at NPS, but I thought I'd share my latest versions and associated add-ons for the greater good.   Attached below are a handful of files that make up the latest revision to my wetland form.  A few notes about this version with particular differences from my previously posted versions:

  • This version is formatted with pages and grid columns optimized for use on a mid-size tablet (8-9" screen). Fair warning, this formatting is nearly impossible to use on a cell phone, but can be easily scrubbed from the xlsform.
  • Auto-calculates WL indicators, 50/20 rule dominance, and dominance and prevalence index tests, based on pulldata() functions from the external selects file (LOOKUP_plants.csv)
  • Related to above, this version now supports a full regional plant list in the lookup table (this file uses Eastern Mountains and Piedmont).  Prior editions relied on a much shorter species list in the Choices tab to prevent form loading times from becoming impossibly slow.  This version only works with newer versions of Survey123 that support the select_one_from_file question type and external selects. I haven't bothered attempting to scale this up to cover ALL regions, but I assume it could be done with another pulldata() calculation and an additional attribute column in the LOOKUP_sites.csv file.  I welcome you all to take up this challenge.
  • Interface favors radio buttons and is heavy on text concat() formulas to speed up data collection by replacing manual text entry with quick-tap. This comes at the cost of being able to "break the rules" in responses, and also heavily favors use of a stylus for those with less-than-slender fingers (me)
  • I tend to do a lot of pre-field prep including pre-recording general site/location/project data which goes into another external selects table in advance (LOOKUP_sites.csv).  As a result, I have to update this survey on AGOIL often.
  • Importantly (especially for @icf_Eric_Link ) I also have a fully functional MS Word report template to accompany this (also attached).  Fair warning: the formatting of this document is BONKERS because of table and cell formatting.  Once the report generator applies the text replacements, all of this smooths out, but it makes revising and proofing the form very difficult. Advanced Word users recommended.

I hope this helps folks in the field!