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Roads and Highways Implementation Status

05-22-2018 06:36 AM

Roads and Highways Implementation Status

I've been looking for a forum like this do have a discussion about 

Esri Roads and Highways Implementation Status 

The vision for this discussion is to:
  • Establish a clear framework for evaluating how each DOT is leveraging R&H 
  • Create a better understanding of how integrations meet business needs. 
  • Define standards for how agencies are utilizing R&H. 
  • Quantify what R&H parts are working/not working for the states.
  • Exemplify Successes 
  • Provide a forum to discuss details and specifics about transportation business systems integrated and supported with R&H: 
    • Maintenance and Performance 
    • Programming and Planning Capital Projects 
    • Asset Management Systems
    • Financial and Fiscal Systems
    • Traffic Systems
    • Bridge Inventory

Think we could have a discussion like that here?

I think we can provide more details and definitions about these systems with a couple more posts or documents.

LRS & R&HALRS1Acronym for the Advanced Linear Referencing System, a linear referencing system implemented by Roads and Highways on the ArcGIS platform that supports multiple linear referencing methods and event measure behaviors. 
Asset1A type of linear referenced event that represents a physical object, such as a sign, guardrail, or bridge. 
Calibration Point1A point feature that defines the measure for a specific locaiton on an LRS route. Roads and Highways uses calibration points to define the measures on the routes. 
Centerline1A polyline feature that defines part (or all) of the geometry of an LRS route. 
Concurrency1Concurrency occurs when two route segments share the same pavement/centerline features.  Route segments in a concurrency are called concurrent routes or overlapping routes. 
Divided Highway2A multi-lane facility with a curbed or positive barrier median, or a median that is at least 4 feet in width. 
Dominant Route1In a route concurrent there are at least two routes travelling the same pavement. The  one that events are assigned is called the dominant route.  In a route concurrency there is only one dominant route.  Most DOTs follow the rule that events are associated with dominant routes only. 
Event1Data that is located by its association to an LRS route and measure location. 
Event Behavior1Configuration that defines how event measures and route assoications respond to changes or edits in the LRS network in Roads and Highways. 
Export Network Service/Tool1A web service or geoprocessing tool that enables external systems to synchronize with the Roads and Highways LRS Network to update routes, gaps, concurrencies, and measure translations.   Used for system integration.
External Event1An event that resides outside the geodatabase where the ALRS is configured.
External System1Databases and other data storage systems of event data that are outside the management of Roads and Highways. 
Internal Event1An event that resides inside the geodatabase where the ALRS is configured. 
Linear Event1An event that represents a segment of a route from a starting measure (or from measure) to an ending measure (or to measure)
LRS1Acronym for linear referencing system, the method of storing geographic locations by using relative positions along a measured linear feature. 
LRM1Acronym for linear referencing method, a method for defining measurements along linear features for the purpose of linear referencing.
LRS Network1A collection of routes, measured to a specific LRM in Roads and Highways.
Measure1Or mile point or milepost. A location along a route based on a distance from a known point of origin.
Point Event1An event that represents a single point location on a route at a specific measure. 
RCE1Acronym for Roadway Characteristics Editor. This application was renamed to Event Editor at the 10.5 release. It's a web based event editing application included with Roads and Highways. 
Relocate Event Service/Tool1A web service or geoprocessing tool that allows external events to be synced to route edits in Roads and Highways.  Used for system integration. 
Roadway3The portion of a highway intended for vehicular use.
R&HAcronym for ESRI ArcGIS Application Roads & Highways
Roadway Characteristics3Or roadway attributes. A set of attributes characterizing roadways in a highway system. Examples include surface type, number of lanes, and lane width. 
Route1A linear LRS feature defined based on a LRM. 
Route ID3A value to uniquely identify a route. Some DOTs implement an intelligent/descriptive route ID definition by incorporating information about the route type, county, municipality, route number, and directionality while some use sequential numbers or GUIDs (Globally Unique Identifiers)  generated in databases to differentiate routes.
Route Dominance Rules1A set of rules that decide which of the concurrent routes in a route concurrency is the dominant route for events and the rest subordinate route(s). Route dominance rules can be preset in Roads and Highways by using attribute fields in an LRS network or the internal event layers that are registered to the network.
Station1Reference points that are placed along the horizontal measurement of a route, centerline, or baseline at a regular interval. Station numbers increase from West to East or South to North based on the cardinal direction of the overall highway. 
Stationing1The fundamental system of measurement used by surveyors. For highway projects, a starting reference station is first established and then all distances along the route centerline are measured from that point location. 
Subordinant Route1 In a route concurrent there are at least two routes travelling the same pavement. The  route that doesn't have events assigned is called a subordinant route.  In a route concurrency there is at least one suborinate route. Most DOTs follow the rule that events are assigned to dominant routes only. 
INTEGRATIONSystem Integration4Or integration, a process of linking together Roads and Highways with different computing systems and software applications physically or functionally to act as a coordinated whole. 
One Way Integration4An integration that supports data in Roads and Highways consumed by an external system.  
Two Way Integration4An integration that supports data exchange between Roads and Highways and an external system.   
Automatic Integration4An integration that is carried out by code or computer programs so human interruption is minimal.  
Manual Integration4An integration that is mainly carried out by manual work performed by human beings.  
Semi-Automatic Integration4An integration that is carried out by both code/computer programs and manual work.  
GENERAL TERMSBug4Or software bug.  A software bug is an error, flaw, failure or fault in a computer program or system that causes it to produce an incorrect or unexpected result, or to behave in unintended ways. Sometimes it is an alternate saying of "software defect".  
Defect4Or software defect. A software defect is a condition in a software product which does not meet a software requirement (as stated in the requirement specifications) or end-user expectations (which may not be specified but are reasonable). In other words, a defect is an error in coding or logic that causes a program to malfunction or to produce incorrect/unexpected results. Sometimes it is an alternate saying of "software bug".   
Development Environment4The development environment (dev) is the environment in which changes to software are developed, most simply an individual developer's workstation. A common 4-tier deployment architecture is development, testing, staging, production (DEV, TEST, STAGING, PROD), with software being deployed to each in order.  
Enhancement4Or software enhancement.  In software development, software maintenance refers to modifying software products after delivery in order to correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or to adapt the product to a modified environment. 
Process4It is a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end.   
Production Environment4The production environment (PROD) is also known as live, particularly for servers, as it is the environment that users directly interact with.  A common 4-tier deployment architecture is development, testing, staging, production (DEV, TEST, STAGING, PROD), with software being deployed to each in order.  
Staging Environment4The staging environment (STAGING) is an environment for final testing immediately prior to deploying to production. It seeks to mirror the actual production environment as closely as possible and may connect to other production services and data, such as databases. A common 4-tier deployment architecture is development, testing, staging, production (DEV, TEST, STAGING, PROD), with software being deployed to each in order.  
Testing Environment4The test environment (TEST) is an environment for human testers to exercise new and changed code via either automated checks or non-automated techniques. A common 4-tier deployment architecture is development, testing, staging, production (DEV, TEST, STAGING, PROD), with software being deployed to each in order.  
Validation4 Or data validation. It is an iterative process that uses formal methods of evaluating a dataset's adherence to a defined quality standard. 
Workflow4It is the sequence of industrial, administrative, or other processes through which a piece of work passes from initiation to completion. A workflow consists of an orchestrated and repeatable pattern of business activity enabled by the systematic organization of resources into processes that transform materials, provide services, or process information.  
1.Essential Roads and Highways Vocabulary
2.HPMS Field Manual
3.ARNOLD Reference Manual
4.Wikipedia or Internet
Last updated by Yueming Wu of WVDOT on 04/23/2018
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Deactivated User

I think this is a great idea Kyle! 

I know here at ITD we're just getting started with possible integration projects.

Emerging Contributor

What is R&H?


Deactivated User

R&H = Roads & Highways.  ESRI's LRS software

Emerging Contributor


Deactivated User

This would be a good place for it.  I have some thoughts on integration and I know those that manage R&H here have some thoughts too. Iowa DOT has developed an extension called SkyFire to R&H in order to simplify and extend the R&H API.  

For example you can make a call like this to get back best route, measure, etc. 

or this for linear 

I would be more than happy to supply our documentation and do a webinar on this extension.

This would be a template comment with status for WVDOT

AgencyR&HPrimary R&H Business ObjectivesExternal Business System Integrations3rd Party Tools to Extend R&H FunctionalityAgency Developed Custom Software (related to LRS/RI)Other CommentsCenterline MileageLRS EditorsEvent EditorsTotal EditorsStatus Updated
General StatusVersionMaintain LRS NetworkNumber of LRMMaintain State Only, or State & LocalMaintain EventsNumber of Events Being Maintained (ex - NHS, roadway width, shoulder, etc.)Number of Unique Event Editor ApplicationsTop 3 Benefits to BusinessTop 3 Performance Impacts BusinessBridgesPavement MaintenanceCapital ProjectsFinancial SystemTraffic Monitoring Collector IntegrationVendor 1SoftwarePurposePerformance StatusVendor 2SoftwarePurposePerformance StatusVendor 3SoftwarePurposePerformance StatusNamePurposeTechnologyPerformance StatusWilling To Share (provide contact info / location)
System (version x)Integration TypePerformance StatusAdditional NeedsSystem (version x)Integration TypePerformance StatusAdditional NeedsSystem (version x)Integration TypePerformance StatusAdditional NeedsSystem (version x)Integration TypePerformance StatusAdditional NeedsSystem (version x)Integration TypePerformance StatusAdditional NeedsSystem (version x)Integration TypePerformance StatusAdditional NeedsAssets in CollectorIntegration TypePerformance StatusAdditional Needs
WVDOTProduction10.5.1Yes - R&H Desktop Extension2State & LocalNo001. One authoritative LRS
2. Seamless integration w/ other ESRI ArcGIS applications
3. Flexibility to manage events
1. Async of LRS due to business rules
2. Challenging integration
3. Lack of accuracy from GIS
Benteley InspecTechManual Integration NeededDeighton dTIMSManual Integration NeededAgile Assets 6.91 way (under development) Integration NeededCustom In-HouseManual Works, labor intensiveIntegration NeededCustom In-HouseManual Works, labor intensiveIntegration NeededTransmetricManual 1-way integration Integration NeededESRI CollectorManual  Integration Needed            None    Implementing Event Editor for managing roadway characteristics; implementing a workflow to publish LRS 38,0005 54/26/2018
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Version history
Last update:
‎05-22-2018 06:36 AM
Updated by: