Hello Team,
I am using c++ api for development.
Can you please tell how to plot a point with known distance and angle here...
Also I would like to draw a line passing through it till map extend.
Sorry the delay in responding. Can you please provide a bit more details on what you're trying to accomplish?
We do have PolylineBuilder class that allows you to build a Polyline programatically. You can then visualize the Polyline by using a GraphicsOverlay, Graphic and a SimpleRenderer.
PolylineBuilder Class | ArcGIS for Developers
Graphic Class | ArcGIS for Developers
GraphicsOverlay Class | ArcGIS for Developers
SimpleRenderer Class | ArcGIS for Developers
I hope this helps. Please provide some more info so that we can help with some more specific information if this doesn't match your workflow.
Thank you for your response.
In order to draw a Polyline we need 02 points .....
Current situation is I have Buffer Geodetic with radius 10 say.....and point1(x0,y0) which is center of that buffer.
But I dont know point2 Instead I have distance from point1 and angle for point2.
In this case How to calculate Point2(x1,y1)
I want plot Point2 using Graphics Overlay
I am not sure if i understand the question. Maybe you can provide a picture?
In my words:
You have a point x0,y0. For the second coordinate you know the distance to p0 and the angle, right?
I assume that the GeometryEngine Class | ArcGIS for Developers can help you. Maybe moveGeodetic.
Hope it helps