Using ArcGIS 10.4, what Toolbox is the equivalent to performing manual join in ArcMap between a Vector Feature Class and a Table?
I am trying to create a GIS Model in Model Builder and I need to Join a Shapefile to a .dbf table so I used Add Join
from the Toolbox which looks is for Raster datasets!
ESRI Claims that the Add Join tool Joins a layer to another layer or table (where layer is a feature layer, table view, or raster layer with a raster attribute table) based on a common field.
But looks like the tool only works with Raster and not Vector to table
That would be Join Field—Help | ArcGIS Desktop . Since you post in the Python space another interesting way would be following the instructions in this post: /blogs/richard_fairhurst/2014/11/08/turbo-charging-data-manipulation-with-python-cursors-and-diction...
Thanks Xander,
but the Join Field create a permanent join which a very time consuming process. what I need is creating a Temporary join.
Then you use the right-click on layer...shortcut, which results in temporary joins and not permanent
or use Add Join (temporary) then Remove Join