Hi I am working on a process of producing some maps for a process we have to do at work
I am just struggling to get the zoom to layer to work. The rest of the script works fine.#
#buffer set up Holdings = 'N:\GIS\Projects\AA_Leith_Hawkins_TestBed\Search_Cursor\Search_Cursor.gdb\Data\Holdings' distances = [1000, 4000] unit = "Meters" #Make a feature layer arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(Holdings,'Holdings_Layer') #searchcursor for evey row in dataset with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Holdings, ['Holding_Reference_Number'])as Holdings_Ref_cursor: for row in Holdings_Ref_cursor: print row[0] query = "Holding_Reference_Number = " + str(row[0]) print query File_output = file_workspace+ '\\' 'Buffer_'+str(row[0]) #print File_output #PNG file outp put location #Select Feature using the reference number from holdings layer arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('Holdings_Layer', 'NEW_SELECTION',"Holding_Reference_Number = " + str(row[0])) # Export holding to geodatabase Holding_Boundary = file_workspace+ '\\' 'Holding_'+str(row[0]) arcpy.management.CopyFeatures('Holdings_Layer', Holding_Boundary) #Mutliple ring Buffer using Selected Features arcpy.MultipleRingBuffer_analysis('Holdings_Layer', File_output, distances, unit, "", "ALL") arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management(File_output, 'Buffer_Layer') #arcpy.Buffer_analysis("Holdings_Layer", ofc, var_Buffer, "FULL", "ROUND", "ALL", "") print 'Buffer complete' #Intersect Features Intersect_out_feaatures = file_workspace+ '\\' 'Intersect_'+str(row[0]) arcpy.Intersect_analysis([Holdings,File_output],Intersect_out_feaatures,"","", "INPUT") print "intersect Complete" #print Png_output #add Layers to the Map mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('N:\\GIS\Projects\\AA_Leith_Hawkins_TestBed\\Search_Cursor\\Search_Cursor_mxd.mxd') df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0] addLayer = arcpy.mapping.Layer(File_output) addLayer2 = arcpy.mapping.Layer(Holding_Boundary) addLayer3 = arcpy.mapping.Layer(Intersect_out_feaatures) arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, addLayer, "TOP") print 'Buffer to map' arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, addLayer2, "TOP") print 'Holding to Map' arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(df, addLayer3, "TOP") print 'Intersect out Features to Map' #zoom to layer Selection = 'distance = 4000' print Selection mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument('N:\\GIS\Projects\\AA_Leith_Hawkins_TestBed\\Search_Cursor\\Search_Cursor_mxd.mxd') df = arcpy.mapping.ListDataFrames(mxd, "Layers")[0] lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd,addLayer, df)[0] extent = lyr.getExtent() #arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management('Buffer_Layer', 'NEW_SELECTION', Selection) df.extent = extent #Export Map to PNG File Png_output = "N:\\GIS\Projects\\AA_Leith_Hawkins_TestBed\\" + str(row[0]) + '.png' arcpy.mapping.ExportToPNG(mxd,Png_output) print 'Map Created' del mxd
when ever I run it I am getting told my
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "N:\GIS\Projects\AA_Leith_Hawkins_TestBed\Search_Cursor\Script\SearchCUrsor.py", line 66, in <module>
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd,addLayer, df)[0]
IndexError: list index out of range
its most liekly a very simple error but I cant seem to get my head around the syntax to make it work
Any suggestions
Could it be an issue with your mxd path?
It looks like you have a single \ between GIS and Projects.
So I'm guessing your script isn't finding your mxd, maybe.
hmmm sadly no. Ill keep digging
But thanks for the catch of the single \
I'm wondering if your mxd path is being seen at all. Since the error says that the layer list is out of range makes me think it isn't seeing a layer list and therefore not seeing an mxd (like would it be better to use double quotes and forward slashes to help with this:
I wonder if its more to do with the addlayer variable that its trying to refernce in the list ?
Hmm i think it will have to be tommorrows job as I have a meeting now !!
I would look at the sample in the help
ListLayers—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
I think you will at least need to change that line to
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd,addLayer, df)[0].name
and then print it to see if it is ass expected. But I would leave the "addLayer" as a wildcard and test by printing out all the layers, then add the variable back in if needed.
btw - haven't looked at entire script, but that is where I would start if I was debugging. fwiw.
Thanks illl have a play and see what happens. I appreciate the input
So I got it to work
lyr = arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd, '', df)[2]print lyr.name extent = lyr.getExtent()print extent df.extent = extent