Hello Comunity,
Due to my Bachelor Thesis I am working on some python-scripts für ArcGIS.
At the Moment, I develop a script for rastermanipulation by modifying the cell values. My dataset contains cell values from 1,000093 to 4,43723 metres, on which I want to perform some height-modification. Therefore, I convert the raster to a NumPy-array, which contains surprisingly cell values from -3,40282e+038 to 4,43723 metres.
How does this min-value came across my data?
I guess, it is a "nodata"-value which cause probles with the "float32"-datatype, but I am not sure.
Maybe I can find some help around here.
when running function RasterToNumPyArray (in_raster, {lower_left_corner}, {ncols}, {nrows}, {nodata_to_value})
try setting the -3,40282e+038 for the nodata_to_value parameter.
It could also be a product of the way the numpy creates it's arrays, by creating the array 1st with dummy values and then going and updating the values that correspond to the raster.