arcpy.MakeQueryLayer_management(r'Database Connections\Connection to pardy.sde', 'CMarkets', """SELECT c.mkt_id, c.shape, c.names FROM cola_markets c WHERE SDO_OVERLAPS(c.shape, SDO_GEOMETRY(2003, NULL, NULL, SDO_ELEM_INFO_ARRAY(1,1003,3), SDO_ORDINATE_ARRAY(4,6, 8,8))) = 'TRUE'""", "MKTID") arcpy.GetCount_managment("CMarkets") rows = arcpy.da.SearchCursor("CMarkets", "NAMES")
good one. very useful.
I recently had the chance to experiment with the methods exposed off the geometry object. I was working with file geodatabase and I found these operators to be very fast, especially when compared with using tools like Select Layer By Location.
This would be very useful.
I'm surprised this still isn't supported, since the 10.2 documentation states: "The records returned by SearchCursor can be constrained to match attribute criteria or spatial criteria." But how to constrain the records to match spatial criteria?