I have 2 feature datasets in a .gdb (CNMS_Inventory and CNMS_Inventory_Albers). I set the dataset for CNMS_Inventory
to 4269(NAD83) when I created it and it contains a feature class called S_Studies_County_Intersect_Merged
. My goal is to basically change the projection of S_Studies_County_Intersect_Merged
to North America Albers Equal Area Conic
and write the output to the dataset (in the same gdb) called CNMS_Inventory_Albers
(which was set to North America Albers Equal Area Conic
). I first tried just using CopyFeatures
but it threw an error:
cnms_inventory = os.path.join(all_regions_gdb, "CNMS_Inventory") new_studs = os.path.join(cnms_inventory,"S_Studies_County_Intersect_Merged") albers_ds = os.path.join(all_regions_gdb, "CNMS_Inventory_Albers") albers_studs = os.path.join(albers_ds, "S_Studies_Ln_Merge_Albers") albers_unmapped = os.path.join(albers_ds, "S_Unmapped_Ln_Merge_Albers") arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(new_studs, albers_studs)
Error Traceback:
ExecuteErrorTraceback (most recent call last) in () 2 albers_studs = os.path.join(albers_ds, "S_Studies_Ln_Merge_Albers") 3 albers_unmapped = os.path.join(albers_ds, "S_Unmapped_Ln_Merge_Albers") ----> 4 arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(new_studs, albers_studs) C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5\arcpy\arcpy\management.py in CopyFeatures(in_features, out_feature_class, config_keyword, spatial_grid_1, spatial_grid_2, spatial_grid_3) 2584 return retval 2585 except Exception as e: -> 2586 raise e 2587 2588 @gptooldoc('DeleteFeatures_management', None) ExecuteError: ERROR 000224: Cannot insert features Failed to execute (CopyFeatures).
I figured that this maybe due to the fact that the output feature, new_studs (S_Studies_Ln_Merge_Albers
) needs to be projected into Albers
first (I was thinking I maybe cannot just write a NAD83 projected feature to an Albers projected dataset). So I tried the following which gives be another error:
sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(4269)
projection = arcpy.SpatialReference('North America Albers Equal Area Conic')
arcpy.Project_management(new_studs, albers_studs, out_coor_system=projection, in_coor_system=coord_sys)
ExecuteError: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output T:\CCSI\TECH\FEMA\Datasets\CNMS\FY18Q3\CNMS_AllRegions_FY18Q3.gdb\S_Studies_Ln_Merge_Albers Failed to execute (Project).
Looking at this error, it seems like Project
is trying to write my output to "T:\CCSI\TECH\FEMA\Datasets\CNMS\FY18Q3\CNMS_AllRegions_FY18Q3.gdb\S_Studies_Ln_Merge_Albers"
instead of
, which basically leaves out the feature dataset CNMS_Inventory_Albers
. Can anyone see where I am going wrong here or how I can fix this?