Hello everybody,
I am working on a project where we are using weight of evidence and i have to implement it on python.
I have some question but not about the implementation, maye i am not in the right place, but if someone knows about woe and want to answer to my question it will be very helpful for me.
Thank you !
I'm not a statistician and just now learned how to spell WOE, but I found this:
woe function | R Documentation
Hi Joe,
To set up quickly my project, i am studying the possibilities of landslide on a given area.
In this area we have several variables like lithology or slope, and in each variable we have several classes, for example for slope we can have in degrees 0-5, 5-15, 15-30 ect wich are 3 different classes of slope
In fact if we read the document you sent me or wikipedia or wathever, if i understood correctly we can have a woe (wich means a posterior probability) only if we have a landslide.
we have
so if (class i inter landslide) = 0 we have post prob = 0 and by definition woe = 0
however :
here there is no landslide but we have a post prob ..
Do you have any idea why ?
Hello Paul,
I would appreciate if you could provide me me WofE extension for ArcView, i have been looking for it for a while. my email (elfengourabdo@gmail.com). Thank you in advance.
Showing the code and your reference would be useful if you are wanting to check to see whether your implementation is correct and/or optimized.
In fact this is not a problem with the implementation but maybe a problem of comprehension.
I dont understand why the posterior probability isnt equal to zero whereas there is not landslide in this area.
Here is my code, in fact i want to get the same array i sent a post ago
import numpy as np
import rasterio
#import math
import csv
import os
from itertools import product
def raster_to_numpy(fileraster):
with rasterio.open(fileraster) as src:
if src.meta['nodata'] == None:
print("Warnings : Attention, valeur nodata non renseignée dans le fichier entrée")
array = src.read(1, masked=True)
nodata = np.array(array.fill_value, dtype=array.dtype)
array = array.filled()
array = src.read(1)
meta = src.meta
meta = meta.values()
nodata = meta[-1]
return array,nodatadef variable(raster,nodata):
variable = list(np.unique(raster))
if (nodata in variable):
variable = np.delete(variable,variable.index(nodata))
return variableFileDossierRaster = r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Boulot\Dossier charge"
fileglissement = r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Boulot\landslides_tests\ASCII\scarp_rb.asc"
fileout = r"C:\Users\user\Desktop\Boulot\Fichiers_csv\sdmuc1.csv"def attributes(FileDossierRaster,fileglissement,fileout):
liste_raster = []
liste_nodata = []
liste_var = []for i in os.listdir(FileDossierRaster):
if not os.path.isdir(i):
new_path = os.path.join(FileDossierRaster,i)
raster_var,nodata = raster_to_numpy(new_path)
v_ras = variable(raster_var,nodata)
raster_gli,nodata_gli = raster_to_numpy(fileglissement)
taille = [len(i) for i in liste_var]
n = np.prod(taille)valeurs = np.zeros((n,11+len(liste_raster)))
combi = list(product(*liste_var)) ## ici je fais les combinaisons
for i in range(n):
valeurs[i,0] = i+1
valeurs[i,1:len(combi[0])+1] = combi ## ici je les mets dans mon tableau
t = 1
for k in range(len(liste_raster)):
t *= np.where(liste_raster== valeurs[i,k+1],1,0) ## possibilé erreur au dernier
c = np.count_nonzero(t == 1)
g = np.where(raster_gli == 1,1,0)
s = np.count_nonzero(t*g == 1)
valeurs[i,len(combi[0])+1] = c
valeurs[i,len(combi[0])+2] = s###########writing csv file#################
entete = ['numero']
for i in range(len(liste_var)):
v = 'variable' + str(i)
entete = entete + ['intersection','Cellules_affectees','Proba_posteriori','c','d','e','f','g']
with open(fileout,'w') as f:
w = csv.writer(f, delimiter = ';')
for line in zip(valeurs[:,0],valeurs[:,1],valeurs[:,2],valeurs[:,3],valeurs[:,4],valeurs[:,5],valeurs[:,6],valeurs[:,7]):
Paul... your column WOE 10**(-15.ish) is about zero. Are you expecting actual 0.0?
Hi Everyone,
I'm working on Landslide susceptibility mapping wherein I've planned to use the Weight of evidence. the independent variables that I am using are slope. aspect, LULC, distance from the road, geology, geomorphology, etc I wanted to know what are the tools that I can use for WofE and how to calculate WofE for the above-mentioned variables. kindly, help me to solve this issue. I deeply appreciate your help and consideration
If you used to work with python i've made a program that Can calcul wofe or a particular variable (landslide for exemple) with different raster as input.
Pm me and i will send you the code
His Sir,
Thanks for the response. Yeah, I would like to use landslide
areas as dependent variable and slope, aspect, distance from lineaments,
geology and geomorphology as independent variables. can you send me the
python code it will be very helpful ?
Yours Faithfully,
S. Parthipan,
M.Tech, Geoinformatics,
Department of Geography,
University of Madras, Guindy
Ph: 9585445673