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UnboundLocalError using sequence

01-27-2021 12:59 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hello all,

I have a script where I am parsing through all the MXD's on the server and getting the service properties of all the feature classes and writing to a csv file.

I am running into an issue in an else statement where it is UnboundLocalError: local variable 'db' referenced before assignment.

I have tried changing the indentation of the sequence and when I put that inside the else statement I only get the first MXD in the folder written to the csv.

Below is the script. Any help would be appreciated.


import arcpy, os, csv, socket

#Turn off ESRI geoprocessing logging so XML column does not fill up
arcpy.SetLogHistory(False) = True

ags = socket.gethostname()
print "ArcGISServer:" +     ags

def main(folder, outputfile):
    with open(outputfile, "wb") as f:
        w = csv.writer(f)
        header = ("MapDocument", "LayerName", "FeatureClass", "Database", "Server", "Version", "UserName", "Authentication", "ArcGISServer")
        rows = crawlmxds(folder)

def crawlmxds(folder):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(folder):
        for f in files:
            if f.lower().endswith(".mxd"):
                mxdName = os.path.splitext(f)[0]
                mxdPath = os.path.join(root, f)
                mxd = arcpy.mapping.MapDocument(mxdPath)
                print mxdPath
                print mxdName
                for lyr in arcpy.mapping.ListLayers(mxd):
                    if lyr.supports("DATASOURCE"):
                        dSource = str(lyr.dataSource)
                        if '.sde' in dSource:
                            fcName = dSource.split('.sde\\')
                            print "Layer Name: " +
                            print "Feature Class: " + fcName[1]
                        elif '.gdb' in dSource:
                            fcName = dSource.split('.gdb\\')
                            print "Layer Name: " +
                            print "Feature Class: " + fcName[1]
##                        if lyr.supports("definitionQuery"):
##                            dq = lyr.definitionQuery
##                            print "Definition Query: " + lyr.definitionQuery
##                        else:
##                            print "NA"
                        if lyr.supports("SERVICEPROPERTIES"):
                            if lyr.serviceProperties["ServiceType"] != "SDE":
                                print "Service Type:  " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('ServiceType', 'N/A')
                                print "     URL:          " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('URL', 'N/A')
                                print "     Connection:   " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Connection','N/A')
                                print "     Server:       " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Server','N/A')
                                print "     Cache:        " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Cache','N/A')
                                print "     User Name:    " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('UserName','N/A')
                                print "     Password:     " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Password','N/A')
                                print ""
                                print "Service Type:  " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Service Type', 'N/A')
                                db = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Database', 'N/A')
                                print "     Database:       " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Database', 'N/A')
                                svr = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Server', 'N/A')
                                print "     Server:         " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Server', 'N/A')
                                srvc = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Service', 'N/A')
                                print "     Service:        " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Service', 'N/A')
                                ver = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Version', 'N/A')
                                print "     Version:        " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Version', 'N/A')
                                un = lyr.serviceProperties.get('UserName', 'N/A')
                                print "     User Name:      " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('UserName', 'N/A')
                                auth = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Authentication', 'N/A')
                                print "     Authentication: " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Authentication', 'N/A')
                                print ""

                        seq = (mxdName,, fcName[1], db, svr, ver, un, auth, ags);
                        yield seq
                del mxd

if __name__ == "__main__":
    folderPath = r"mxdpath" # or arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    output = r"csvpath" # or arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    main(folderPath, output)


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3 Replies
MVP Frequent Contributor

Just glanced through, but you've not created the variables (db, svr...) to yield when the condition is met (not SDE) - only when SDE.  A quick fix might be to assign them within that if true block - db = "None" ... etc.

Far from a coding whizz so take a big pinch of salt with that.

MVP Esteemed Contributor

the variable/property "db" only gets a value in one case.

A safe way of finding out what is going on is to assign potential returns to some value, whether it be None prior to running any loops.  For example

db = None; svr =None;  ver = None; un = None; auth = None;  ags = None

db = None; svr =None;  ver = None; un = None; auth = None;  ags = None

def crawlmxds(seq):
    for i in seq:

seq = [db, svr, ver, un, auth, ags]


Then when you see a None, you know something is wrong.

The alternative is check each variable assignment before you try to use it, as is your current case.


... sort of retired...
0 Kudos
Occasional Contributor

Thanks Dan and David! I took a look at both of your suggestions and what think I may have found a solution...however not the prettiest or most understandable but if I put the variables after the Service Type variable like below it works. 

if lyr.supports("SERVICEPROPERTIES"):
                            if lyr.serviceProperties["ServiceType"] != "SDE":
                            db = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Database', 'N/A')
                            print "     Database:       " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Database', 'N/A')
                            svr = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Server', 'N/A')
                            print "     Server:         " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Server', 'N/A')
                            srvc = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Service', 'N/A')
                            print "     Service:        " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Service', 'N/A')
                            ver = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Version', 'N/A')
                            print "     Version:        " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Version', 'N/A')
                            un = lyr.serviceProperties.get('UserName', 'N/A')
                            print "     User Name:      " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('UserName', 'N/A')
                            auth = lyr.serviceProperties.get('Authentication', 'N/A')
                                print "     Authentication: " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Authentication', 'N/A')
                                print "Service Type:  " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('ServiceType', 'N/A')
                                print "     URL:          " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('URL', 'N/A')
                                print "     Connection:   " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Connection','N/A')
                                print "     Server:       " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Server','N/A')
                                print "     Cache:        " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Cache','N/A')
                                print "     User Name:    " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('UserName','N/A')
                                print "     Password:     " + lyr.serviceProperties.get('Password','N/A')
                                print ""
                                print ""
                        seq = (mxdName,, fcName[1], db, svr, ver, un, auth, ags);
                        yield seq
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