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SetParameterAsText To View Python Tool Results

06-08-2016 02:47 PM
Regular Contributor

I have the following which I can successfully get my desired results with the input prompt standalone script.  Yet, I prefer that a tool I created to be used and display the results. What am I missing in order to view the results?

#Import Modules
import csv,os,arcpy

#Set variables
ifile  = open('PythonShellSave.csv','r')
reader = csv.reader(ifile)
featureclass = input("Name of the feature class ? ")
#featureclass = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
#Set path location of Excel (CSV) file 
path = 'C:\WriteMxdInfoToExcel'

#CSV Module terminology row is horizontal & field is vertical;column is horizontal & row is vertical for excel.
for row in reader:
          for field in row:
              if field == featureclass:
                  print row [4] + " " + featureclass

#Close Excel (CSV) file
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32 Replies
MVP Emeritus

are you wanting to see the equivalent of a print statement within arcmap?

if so AddMessage—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

you may find it easier to accumulate messages then just include 2 lines so you can 'print' witnin and out arcmap


msg += "more stuff"

arcpy.AddMessage(msg)  # for inside arcmap

print(msg)  # python 2 and 3 compliant

Regular Contributor

Yes equivalent of a print statement within arcmap.

I just want to view results.

I will take a look about AddMessage, thank you.

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MVP Emeritus

for example your line

print row [4] + " " + featureclass

could be

msg = row[4] + " " + featureclass



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MVP Emeritus

If you want something more generic with a time stamp  (sorry about the %formatting instead of the {} .format style...haven't updated it for a while)

import time
import arcpy

def timeStamp():
    returns time stamp.
    return time.strftime(' --  %B %d - %H:%M:%S')

def myMsgs(message):
    arcpy.AddMessage(message + ' %s' %(timeStamp()))
    print(message)     # + ' %s' %(timeStamp()))

then if you enter

myMsgs("you message here with whatever formatting {0}".format(variableToFormat))

the myMsgs will work in either without having to add both lines.  works for me (in file) but it is a pain when I have to share my code on the forums.

Regular Contributor

Thank you for the input. However I am not familiar enough with the time module nor what the % means. I am not aware of .format either. As you can see I am beginner and I am just learning and attempting to properly use the Add Message, which I am still working on.

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MVP Emeritus

Sorry about that Devin, I did a quick copy paste.  Here is a simpler version with the time module removed.  I just have that in there so I could get a time stamp on each message so I knew how long each process was taking...not a necessary component at all.  This sample imports arcpy, creates the simple myMsgs function and has five samples using it with the function.  This should work in the python window, or if you run it in a arcpy script (.py file).

Sample 1: just text

Sample 2: a variable

Sample 3: some text, two variables and a blank line after    The {#} line up with the variables in the .format( )  part.  The # isn't mandatory, but good practice and allow you to reorder or even repeat the use of a variable in the list

Sample 4: some text and some math with the number variable

Sample 5: reusing one of the variables in the list.

These formats work with both the print and AddMessage

import arcpy

def myMsgs(message):  

somethingToPrint = "print this message"
aNumber = 5

myMsgs("printing just a line of text I type here")
myMsgs("printing {0} with a number {1} with a blank line after \n".format(somethingToPrint, aNumber))
myMsgs("printing with a number + 1: {0} ".format(aNumber + 1))
myMsgs("{1}: printing {0} with a number {1} with a blank line after \n".format(somethingToPrint, aNumber))

Hope this helps

edit:  btw, you should check out and bookmark Dan Patterson​ 's Py... blog   for many hints and other links.

Regular Contributor

Thank you for taking the time to further explain.  Will this work in a script that I am using with a tool I created? To automatically display message to results?  I tested out the function but it is not automatic when run and seen in python shell. However, as mentioned, my actual goal is to use it as a tool.

I will take a look at the Blog, thanks.

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MVP Emeritus

yes, it should.  The function will know if it is in a script or in the window and print as needed, while ignoring the other.  I use this all the time since I switch between the two and it's a hassle to change and/or have both. 

Tip: if you are tying to debug but don't know where it is crashing,  you can put lots of these within your code maybe even right after each process... I many times do simple numbered statements just to see how far it gets so I can track down an issue..

...a process


..another process


Of course you would want something more meaningful for your final script,

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Regular Contributor

I am trying to have Add message for the variable, but I am having trouble calling the function with the variable.

#Import Modules
import csv,os,arcpy,time 

#Set variables
ifile  = open('PythonShellSave.csv','r')
reader = csv.reader(ifile)
featureclass = input("Name of the feature class ? ")
#featureclass = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)

#Set path location of Excel (CSV) file 
path = 'C:\Users\WriteMxdInfoToExcel'

# Create function
def myMsgs(message):  
#CSV Module terminology row is horizontal & field is vertical;column is horizontal & row is vertical for excel
for row in reader:
          for field in row:
              if field == featureclass:
                  final = row[4] + " " + featureclass
                  print final
                  myMsgs (final)
#Close Excel (CSV) file
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